
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Supply Chain Innovation | How to Strengthen your Weaknesses
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
The Visionary Chronicles
CHRONICLE: September 29nd, 2021
"A wise human would have an understanding of the supply chain and how the pieces fit together. But it's against our nature to think about it..."
Wisdom from Paola Bacigalupi
PODCAST: Supply Chain Innovation | How to Strengthen your Weaknesses
In my new PODCAST, I discuss how businesses have identified the need to update, replace or reimagine their supply chain.
When the pandemic struck, many companies were forced to address their supply chain, and what they found was a weak foundation, one in need of repair long before the pandemic.
In working with global leaders of these brands, we found complacency in which as long as the wheels were turning, all was good; it was not until the wheels stopped that they recognized they did not have an adequate "fail-safe" supply chain.
The pandemic forced these companies to address their supply chain "weak links," strengthen these weaknesses, and assure they can absorb future disruptions. In this instance, they merely looked to manage the pandemic the best they could within the circumstances. They licked their wounds with both consumers and retailers.
In most instances, the strategy they deployed, such as lean manufacturing, was effective while their supply chain was moving, but when it stopped, it proved deadly. The lean method is still an effective strategy but needs additional foundational support around this structure. Support pillars such as; enhanced (multi-category) replicated sourcing, alternate geo-sourcing where political moves do not constrain capacity, increased capacity, and safety stock.
While consumers continue to demand quick-turn at lower prices, what is a brand to do without losing its competitive edge?
There are several key factors when evaluating your supply chain to determine your "fail safe" status;
Risk ID; identify potential risks associated with your supplier base. Issues that need addressing;
Narrow production skillset and outsource component risk. It is crucial to ensuring the vertical supply chain continues to flow. As they say, "never allow a single component to stop a complete unit from shipping."
Manage bandwidth, along with sourcing priority and flexibility. During a crisis, you need to be "top of the food chain" when it comes to contractor priority, and your contractor needs to ensure they have sufficient bandwidth and core expertise to handle sub-contractor "off-loads.
Single source and geopolitical exposure. Ensure you are not held captive; you need to reduce risk exposure.
Chain Map;
map your complete supply chain from end to end! Identify potential threats that could stop the flow. Keep the river running!
diversification is critical; ensure you have a diversified supply chain from capacity, core skillset, and regional perspective.
Replicate, refine and qualify contractors before you need them. It is a part of brand complacency; they do not need to replicate and expand if the current base is performing. You NEED to think of the "what if's?
Loosen Lean;
Continue with Lean, but add some FAT! The rainy day will come, it is best to have an umbrella when needed.
Add Safety Stock.
Tech your Processes;
Wherever possible, find ways to improve processes and make teams/production more efficient. As a result, you will build a better product and make your brand more competitive.
Add Tech, but Teach! Don't just add and move on- add and Move-in, teach others!
Not all Brands suffered through the pandemic, but most used this as an opportunity to improve!
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
LiquidMind Inc.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2021
Bryan Smeltzers Podcast on driving your brand forward, reinvigorating your passion, while continuing to maintain and sustain your Vision for long-term revenue growth.
Discussions around disruptive strategies, and executable market drivers that provide a unique point of difference for you and your brand.
We discuss this along with other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners.
He is the author of The Visionary Brand, a book on how brands sustain and maintain their Vision over generations.
Bryan is currently President of LiquidMind Inc., a global brand strategy firm located in Southern California.
If you enjoy The Visionary Chronicles Podcast, would be great if you could please leave a short Review at;
iTunes/Apple Podcasts/The Visionary Chronicles
It takes about a minute and supports our growth and reach to others, along with getting some awesome interviews.
Please check out The Visionary Chronicles on these sites;
Apple Podcast
The Visionary Chronicles RSS Feed (use for PODCAST players);
Sign up for The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter at;
The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter
Interested in Sponsoring The Visionary Chronicles Podcast, or a segment? Please fill out this form;
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@liquidmindsite on Facebook
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in/bryansmeltzer on Linkedin
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast
I discuss this and other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs, Executives, and Small Business Owners.
Please check out "The Visionary Chronicles" on these sites.
Available on
Apple Podcast
If you like what you hear, I would appreciate you providing a rating and following to receive my weekly Podcasts, along with exclusive content as a follower.
Subscribe to The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST, and receive The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter, along with a FREE Vision Notepad.
Visionary Interviews, I will be doing some upcoming interviews with some icons in the industry. If you happen to know of someone I may want to interview, please let me know. Just provide some brief information, and if it works, we will reach out.
A Brand Strategy Firm for those looking to disrupt their industry, build a global digital platform, business execution leadership, or just need someone who understands your business's complexities and can provide solutions.
© All Copyrights Reserved, Bryan Smeltzer,2021

Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Visionary Leadership | How to Realize your Future through a Crisis
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
The Visionary Chronicles
CHRONICLE: September 22nd, 2021
Inspiration "Leadership is the capacity to translate Vision into Reality..."
Wisdom from Warren Bennis
The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST
VISIONARY LEADERSHIP | How to Realize your Future through a Crisis
In my new PODCAST, I discuss how Visionary leaders execute their strategy through a crisis and the stepped process they use to ensure they stay on track.
To determine your future, you need to analyze the past, determine the current state of your industry, and define opportunities to capture market share growth.
The need to examine your future is especially true as we work our way through the pandemic. Seeing how most, if not all, companies have had to pivot in one direction or another and change the way they operate.
-Adapt or Die!
-Change or die a Slow Death!
Adaptation has been a word thrown around a lot and is a necessary evil for most companies. Being able to adapt is one thing; wanting to adapt is another. Having worked with a very diverse, global group of brands through the pandemic, I can tell you most want to adjust but are fearful of the repercussions in an already unpredictable world! You need to adapt, finding ways to be more efficient, more effective, and more competitive. In the long run, you will come out of the back end of the pandemic in better shape than you were going in.
You need to analyze your path forward, find a way to strengthen your weaknesses and outline your path ahead. The Vision is still intact, ensure the Vision DOES NOT change, but the course to successfully executing the Vision can be altered. Adapt, be Flexible, be Nimble and move fast.
Working directly with these global brands who have successfully pivoted during this pandemic, I have found several key principles we adopted through LiquidMind Inc. to ensure their long-term success. First, they are clearly defined, constantly communicated, and understood by their role in their brand's successful exit through this crisis.
Take the time at an executive level to clearly understand the new landscape. Define current processes, current resources, and current opportunities. Now define what lies ahead, ideation process of determining what is needed to grow the business, not sustain but grow successfully. Disrupt, innovate and execute at all levels. Communicate the Vision again, determine where changes are needed, and ensure all understand the new landscape.
Take your FutureCast strategy and step back and reimagine what it will take to execute this new future. Once you have FutureCast, this is the time to take a granular look at your overall business.
Be ready to Pivot as needed. Not all well-laid plans work; most needed minor or major adjustments. Stubbornness does not work; you must adjust and adapt. Not all plans are bulletproof; sometimes, you need to shoot some holes in them and reinforce or rearrange them to succeed.
Once you have defined the future, stay committed to its success! Your Team, your Brand, and your Future are dependent on this top-down commitment.
Not all plans are successful, but generational success is their reward for those who have a strategy that will win in the long run!
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
LiquidMind Inc.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2021
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast
I discuss this and other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs, Executives, and Small Business Owners.
Please check out "The Visionary Chronicles" on these sites.
Available on
Apple Podcast
If you like what you hear, I would appreciate you providing a rating and following to receive my weekly Podcasts, along with exclusive content as a follower.
Subscribe to The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST, and receive The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter, along with a FREE Vision Notepad.
Visionary Interviews, I will be doing some upcoming interviews with some icons in the industry. If you happen to know of someone I may want to interview, please let me know. Just provide some brief information, and if it works, we will reach out.
A Brand Strategy Firm for those looking to disrupt their industry, build a global digital platform, business execution leadership, or just need someone who understands your business's complexities and can provide solutions.
© All Copyrights Reserved, Bryan Smeltzer
Bryan Smeltzers Podcast on driving your brand forward, reinvigorating your passion, while continuing to maintain and sustain your Vision for long term revenue growth.Discussions around disruptive strategies, and executable market drivers that provide a unique point of difference for you and your brand.
We discuss this along with other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners.
He is the author of The Visionary Brand, a book on how brands sustain and maintain their Vision over generations.Bryan is currently President of LiquidMind Inc., a global brand strategy firm located in Southern California.
If you enjoy The Visionary Chronicles Podcast, would be great if you could please leave a short Review at;
• iTunes/Apple Podcasts/The Visionary Chronicles
It takes about a minute and supports our growth and reach to others, along with getting some awesome interviews.
The Visionary Chronicles RSS Feed (use for PODCAST players);
• https://feed.podbean.com/bryansmeltzer/feed.xml
Sign up for The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter at;
• The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter
Interested in Sponsoring The Visionary Chronicles Podcast, or a segment? Please fill out this form;• bryansmeltzer.com/contact/
Follow me on the following social sites.
• @liquidmindsite on Facebook• @liquidmindsite on Twitter• @bryansmeltzer33 on Facebook • @bryansmeltzer on Twitter• in/bryansmeltzer on Linkedin

Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Innovation Matrix | How to Execute an Innovation Process
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST
CHRONICLE: September 9th, 2021
" Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower..."
Wisdom from Steve Jobs
INNOVATION MATRIX | How to Execute an Innovation Process
In my new PODCAST, I discuss how to define, implement and execute a tiered Innovation process, one that consistently outmaneuvers your competitors.
Building an effective, efficient, and consistent Innovation Driven brand is difficult and why so few have executed the process successfully. Those who have achieved this are richly rewarded, whether through Brand Equity, category leadership, or marketplace acceptance; each continues to add VALUE to the Brand itself.
The Process execution is the Goal, but what is the Process? The implementation is a multi-tier process, each mastered by those committed to relentless innovation and a foundational commitment to a free-flowing ideation flow. With this process in place, these brands know they can command higher price points through both revolutionary and incrementally better products at all price tiers. As a result, squeezing their competition at all levels, eventually moving them out of the market!
Competitors who are not committed to this process or do not know how to execute these Innovation tiers will imitate or move on to another category. Innovators DO NOT imitate; they find ways to Disrupt, building Breakaway products, moving them generations ahead. In sustaining this commitment to a Disruptive Culture, they produce both passionate internal teams and loyal communities committed to their Brand.
So what are these Innovation Matrix Tiers?
You optimize current products, finding ways to improve without having to reinvent.
Life Cycle Adoption: Late Adopters
New products that enhance or complement current in-line programs. Provide value beyond current benefits, gain a new tier of consumers.
Life Cycle Adoption: Early Majority
An Ideation process that produces new, innovative products, processes, or services that align with your brand positioning. Provides unique benefits and lifestyle improvements significantly beyond the current product portfolio.
Life Cycle Adoption: Early Adopter
Commercializing a Breakaway design IDEA that completely reinvents a previous product or process CREATES a new way or method which significantly improves a process or lifestyle experience. Realizing a product most never knew they needed until it was created!
Life Cycle Adoption: Innovator
The Pinnacle of the Innovation Process is Disruption, and the reason so few are truly classified in this category. You can achieve an effective and consistent Innovation Process; you need to have a clear Vision, stay committed to its execution and embrace Failure to achieve Success.
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
LiquidMind Inc.
Bryan Smeltzers Podcast on driving your brand forward, reinvigorating your passion, while continuing to maintain and sustain your Vision for long term revenue growth.
Discussions around disruptive strategies, and executable market drivers that provide a unique point of difference for you and your brand.
We discuss this along with other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners.
He is the author of The Visionary Brand, a book on how brands sustain and maintain their Vision over generations.
Bryan is currently President of LiquidMind Inc., a global brand strategy firm located in Southern California.
If you enjoy The Visionary Chronicles Podcast, would be great if you could please leave a short Review at;
iTunes/Apple Podcasts/The Visionary Chronicles
It takes about a minute and supports our growth and reach to others, along with getting some awesome interviews.
Please check out The Visionary Chronicles on these sites;
Apple Podcast
The Visionary Chronicles RSS Feed (use for PODCAST players);
Sign up for The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter at;
The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter
Interested in Sponsoring The Visionary Chronicles Podcast, or a segment? Please fill out this form;
Follow me on the following social sites.
@liquidmindsite on Facebook
@liquidmindsite on Twitter
@bryansmeltzer33 on Facebook
@bryansmeltzer on Twitter
in/bryansmeltzer on Linkedin

Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Brand Matrix | How to Define Your Brand Identity
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
The Visionary Chronicles
CHRONICLE: September 2nd, 2021
Inspiration "Brand is not a product, that's for sure; it's not one item. It's an idea, and it's a theory, it's a meaning, it's how you carry yourself. It's aspirational; it's inspirational..."
Wisdom from Kevin Plank, Founder UA
BRAND MATRIX | How to Define Your Identity
In my new PODCAST, I discuss how to define your Brand ID or checkup to see if your ID matches your original Vision.
A Brand Identity is driven by many different variables both inside and outside your company. These are defined and executed in a way where they are either Tangible on Non-Tangible. Each earned, each is authentic, and each variable carefully nurtured.
Many of these Brand ID variables are subliminal, meaning they are woven into the fabric of what is called your Brand, your Culture, your Beliefs, and your Products. These are why people gravitate to your Brand, the Lifestyle Factor, the Coolness Factor, the Premium Factor. Whatever the reason, these are variables that go beyond the product, providing an easier or more enjoyable Life for your Community, your Loyal enthusiasts.
So you must first understand how you want to be perceived and build a Vision around how the execute this perception. Finally, the perception must become a reality, as this drives the Passion inside the Brand and the inspiration outside your company. A passion for what you stand for, what you do, and what you create!
The structure of these Brand ID variables can be summed up in an ID Matrix which determines inside and outside perceptions against specific brand variables;
First, there are three levels of perception;
Second, there are three measurable variables against each of these perceptions;
Inside; Vision/Culture/Expertise
Inside/Outside; Communication/Promise/Persona
Outside; Value Creation/Community/Positioning
Each of these defined as;
Inside-Vision; The Pinnacle of Branding-What is the Vision, and is our direction matching this Vision? What is our driving Passion?
Inside-Culture; Does our Persona and Culture match our Vision for both Product & Lifestyle?
Inside-Expertise; What is our Core Competency, and are we Best in Class (Premium)?
Inside/Outside-Communication; How do we communicate? Is it Authentic, and does it provide Value to our Community? Do BS, do not waste time!
Inside/Outside-Promise; Are we fulfilling our Brand Promise? What do our Brand and we Stand for?
Inside/Outside-Persona; Who is our perceived Persona? Can we see this in Reality?
Outside-Value Creation; How are we making out Customer/Community's Life easier or more enjoyable?
Outside-Community; How are we Authentically engaging with our community to realize a better Life or Experience?
Outside-Positioning; How is our Brand perceived by our Community, our Ambassadors, or Loyal Consumers? Does it match our Vision?
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2021
Bryan Smeltzers Podcast on driving your brand forward, reinvigorating your passion, while continuing to maintain and sustain your Vision for long-term revenue growth.Discussions around disruptive strategies, and executable market drivers that provide a unique point of difference for you and your brand.
We discuss this along with other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners.
He is the author of The Visionary Brand, a book on how brands sustain and maintain their Vision over generations.Bryan is currently President of LiquidMind Inc., a global brand strategy firm located in Southern California.
If you enjoy The Visionary Chronicles Podcast, would be great if you could please leave a short Review at;
• iTunes/Apple Podcasts/The Visionary Chronicles
It takes about a minute and supports our growth and reach to others, along with getting some awesome interviews.
Please check out The Visionary Chronicles on these sites;
• Apple Podcast• Podbean• Spotify• iHeart• Pandora
The Visionary Chronicles RSS Feed (use for PODCAST players);
• https://feed.podbean.com/bryansmeltzer/feed.xml
Sign up for The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter at;
• The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter
Interested in Sponsoring The Visionary Chronicles Podcast, or a segment? Please fill out this form;• bryansmeltzer.com/contact/
Follow me on the following social sites.
• @liquidmindsite on Facebook• @liquidmindsite on Twitter• @bryansmeltzer33 on Facebook • @bryansmeltzer on Twitter• in/bryansmeltzer on Linkedin

Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Ideation | The Road to Realizing Great Products
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
The Visionary Chronicles
CHRONICLE: August 25th, 2021
"If you're gonna make connections which are innovative... you have to not have the same bag of experiences as everyone else does..."
Wisdom from Steve Jobs
IDEATION | The Road to Realizing Great Products
In my new PODCAST, I outline how to implement an Ideation process that genuinely realizes excellent products.
Ideation is an essential foundational piece for every authentic brand, the ones that consistently realize innovative, disruptive products or services. It may seem simple enough to those who understand the word but not realized through not understanding the Process.
Ideation is the starting point for generating a great Idea first and foremost. This idea is developed not necessarily from what has already been created; incremental updates do not move the needle or create excitement. But instead, they more often are generated from that which has NOT yet been created or adapted from an alternative product or system.
A case in point is when Nike created Flywire, the product team adapted an idea originally invented for suspension bridges but saw how it could be ADAPTED for use in running shoes. When realized, this IDEA reinvented the category, and most brands adopted the flywire principles, which later moved into knit construction.
Ideation should be both challenging and fun at the same time. Naysayers are not allowed; those who neither contribute nor have the brain bandwidth to understand the Process. These ideas must be eventually vetted at the outset, but throughout Ideation, let the flood gates open to anything that will move your brand forward and disrupt your industry.
There are several core principles to making this Process a Reality, one that Realizes insanely Great Products;
Have a Consistent Process, one that has a set timeline, but let the ideas flow freely!
Negative Thinkers NOT Allowed; only those who appreciate the Process are let into the Corridors of the Future.
Think Disruption First, Innovation Second, and Adaptable Third.
Think Different, Have Fun, and Create Freely!
Ideation is a Process; those who understand and appreciate its flow and the need to be creative are rewarded, sometimes with Disruptive, more often Innovation, and Adaptation.
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2021
In my new Podcast, IDEATION | The Road to Realizing Great Products, I discuss building and executing a genuinely great Ideation process.
I discuss this and other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs, Executives, and Small Business Owners.
Please check out "The Visionary Chronicles" on these sites.
Available on
Apple Podcast
If you like what you hear, I would appreciate you providing a rating and following to receive my weekly Podcasts, along with exclusive content as a follower.
Subscribe to The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST, and receive The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter, along with a FREE Vision Notepad.
Visionary Interviews, I will be doing some upcoming interviews with some icons in the industry. If you happen to know of someone I may want to interview, please let me know. Just provide some brief information, and if it works, we will reach out.
Visionary Interviews
A Brand Strategy Firm for those looking to disrupt their industry, build a global digital platform, business execution leadership, or just need someone who understands your business's complexities and can provide solutions.
© All Copyrights Reserved, Bryan Smeltzer

Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Product Positioning | How to Find Open Water Opportunities
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST
CHRONICLE: August 18th, 2021
" Your premium brand had better be delivering something special, or it's not going to get the business.."
Wisdom from Warren Buffett
BRAND POSITIONING | Find Your Open Water Opportunities
In my new PODCAST, I outline how to find opportunities others may not see for lack of Vision or Insight.
When Finding your Open Water, the Opportunities others fail to see as a result of fighting over the same shark-infested, bloody water where others fish. A simple analogy, but one many fail to execute in the marketplace.
If you look at the vast open water of the ocean, it represents beauty in motion, most of which you can not see. This beauty flows in harmony, but when competition arises, it can get ugly quickly; survival mode kicks in.
This vast open water, so much beauty, but when it comes to defining and developing how to attack markets here on land, we fail to see the enormous number of opportunities. We wade into waters where we know predators exist vs. where they do not. So is the nature of companies surviving in our world trying to fight off much larger predators and gain market share. Find your open water; it exists; you just need the Vision to see it!
When finding your opportunity, one where you find calm, blue water, a space where you can dominate and be appreciated by those who love your Brand, many smaller brands have taken on the big predators and won. They proactively built a community of followers who appreciate an authentic product and Brand.
There are several areas of focus in determining where opportunities exist and finding your Open Water;
Value Provided(CONSUMER); how do you make my Life and User Experience (UX) better?
Profit Gained (COMPANY); is it a sustainable business?
Community Support (CULTURE); how will you drive your Vision and Build Passion around your Brand?
If any of these fall short or are not committed to your Brand, you will find yourself floating towards shark-infested, Bloody waters. Most commodity brands play here and piggyback off those who are Truly, Authentically Visionary.
Maintain each of these, and your success is much more likely. Although still challenging, your Destiny is in your hands, not in the hands of others.
This strategic alignment with key stakeholders throughout the Brand must be consistent from the top down.
Finding Open Water Opportunities is made more accessible by instituting these core principles. The Steps;
Define your Opportunity
Gauge your Predators
Find your Value POD
Protect your Turf
Stick to your Foundational Principles
Drive your Culture
Execute Relentlessly!
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2021
In my new Podcast, BRAND POSITIONING | Find your Open Water Opportunities, I the process of positioning your Brand for success, finding your Opportunities, and ensuring your Success!
I discuss this and other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs, Executives, and Small Business Owners.
Please check out "The Visionary Chronicles" on these sites.
Available on
Apple Podcast
If you like what you hear, I would appreciate you providing a rating and following to receive my weekly Podcasts, along with exclusive content as a follower.
Subscribe to The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST, and receive The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter, along with a FREE Vision Notepad.
Visionary Interviews, I will be doing some upcoming interviews with some icons in the industry. If you happen to know of someone I may want to interview, please let me know. Just provide some brief information, and if it works, we will reach out.
Visionary Interviews
The Visionary Brand Intro
A Brand Strategy Firm for those looking to disrupt their industry, build a global digital platform, business execution leadership, or just need someone who understands your business's complexities and can provide solutions.
Bryan Smeltzers Podcast on driving your brand forward, reinvigorating your passion, while continuing to maintain and sustain your Vision for long term revenue growth.Discussions around disruptive strategies, and executable market drivers that provide a unique point of difference for you and your brand.
We discuss this along with other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners.
He is the author of The Visionary Brand, a book on how brands sustain and maintain their Vision over generations.Bryan is currently President of LiquidMind Inc., a global brand strategy firm located in Southern California.
If you enjoy The Visionary Chronicles Podcast, would be great if you could please leave a short Review at;
• iTunes/Apple Podcasts/The Visionary Chronicles
It takes about a minute and supports our growth and reach to others, along with getting some awesome interviews.
The Visionary Chronicles RSS Feed (use for PODCAST players);
• https://feed.podbean.com/bryansmeltzer/feed.xml
Sign up for The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter at;
• The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter
Interested in Sponsoring The Visionary Chronicles Podcast, or a segment? Please fill out this form;• bryansmeltzer.com/contact/
Follow me on the following social sites.
• @liquidmindsite on Facebook• @liquidmindsite on Twitter• @bryansmeltzer33 on Facebook • @bryansmeltzer on Twitter• in/bryansmeltzer on Linkedin

Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
START-UPS | Steps to Avoiding Failure
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
The Visionary Chronicles
CHRONICLE: August 12th, 2021
"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit..." Wisdom from Napoleon Hill
PODCAST: STARTUP | Steps to Avoiding Failure
In my new PODCAST, I outline the 10 Steps to Avoiding Failure with your Startup.Most Startups fail; unfortunately, this is a fact of life. But why? Most fail ever to deliver a return for the investment, and a VC/PE firm will go in knowing the rate of Success is 5%; their interest lies in the 5% left standing, not why the other 95% failed.
Too often, this equation and result seem to be driven by a simple cause and effect, a leadership team not prepared for Success. By Success I mean, defining a process common to those who did succeed and missing from those who failed. Although this is often a cause for failure, it was not the money but rather a seamless, executable process to ensure your success.
Through years of being with iconic brands, working with generational brands through LiquidMind, and pier group studies, I have found that the following ten steps to what makes most companies fail while others succeed. Now, this is not the only reason, nor is it the definitive list, but it is a core compilation of some of the prevalent causes of Failure;
1. Define the problem with a clear, well-defined Opportunity; Assure you understand all potential pitfalls to attaining your Vision, not just your tunnel Vision. Many Entrepreneurs see a great opportunity but fail to recognize all the detours they will need to realize their Vision.
2. Execute the Vision; Once you have clearly defined the Opportunity execute the plan to achieving this Opportunity. This is the time to simulate; test, fail, fail, fail option, refine the path and the solution.
3. Validate the Acceptance; get outside your four walls, and Validate your Assumptions. Right now, all you have is an IDEA, one that you have accepted; seek Acceptance from those who are targeting. Measure adoption, attrition, and value provided.
4. Balanced Decision Making; Risk is the path to Success; however, be sure to balance decisions to limit Risk and move forward with caution.
5. Make IT Happen; have a clearly defined, executable plan w/ contingencies with alternate paths. Understand your Risk (pt. 4), learn to Adapt, and limit Exposure.
6. Be Passionate; be a Visionary; carry the Torch both visually and verbally. Lead, and others will follow.
7. Bootstrap your way to Profitability; Profitability is the key to success; eventually, you will run out of money, and this will be your undoing. Ensure everyone understands their role and their piece of ensuring Success.
8. Share the Success; each is sacrificing, ensure they are rewarded through compensation, equity, and appreciation!
9. Expand and Thrive; stick to your Success Formula, adapt where needed, and grow your business.
10. SUCCEED; do not let up, keep your foot on the gas, exceed expectations of both your customer and team! Relentlessly INNOVATE and EXECUTE!
Being great starts at the top; it is the foundation for which all generational brands have thrived. The founding principles, the ability to adapt, the knowledge to know right and wrong, and culture are driven by a Passionate Vision to achieve Greatness.
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2021
In my new Podcast, START-UP | Steps to Avoiding Failure, I discuss ten process steps you need to deploy at the outset of founding your company and the ongoing need to relentlessly follow your foundational principles to achieving Greatness
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast I discuss this and other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs, Executives, and Small Business Owners.
Please check out "The Visionary Chronicles" on these sites. Available on
PodbeanApple PodcastSpotifyiHeartPandoraIf you like what you hear, I would appreciate you providing a rating and following to receive my weekly Podcasts, along with exclusive content as a follower.
Updates Subscribe to The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST, and receive The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter, along with a FREE Vision Notepad. Visionary Interviews, I will be doing some upcoming interviews with some icons in the industry. If you happen to know of someone I may want to interview, please let me know. Just provide some brief information, and if it works, we will reach out. Visionary Interviews
The Visionary Brand Intro
LiquidMindA Brand Strategy Firm for those looking to disrupt their industry, build a global digital platform, business execution leadership, or just need someone who understands your business's complexities and can provide solutions.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2021
Bryan Smeltzers Podcast on driving your brand forward, reinvigorating your passion, while continuing to maintain and sustain your Vision for long term revenue growth.Discussions around disruptive strategies, and executable market drivers that provide a unique point of difference for you and your brand.
We discuss this along with other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners.
He is the author of The Visionary Brand, a book on how brands sustain and maintain their Vision over generations.Bryan is currently President of LiquidMind Inc., a global brand strategy firm located in Southern California.
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© All Copyrights Reserved, Bryan Smeltzer

Friday Jul 23, 2021
Strategy Execution | How to Define your Future Success
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Friday Jul 23, 2021
"Thus, what is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy's strategy..."
Wisdom from Sun Tzu
STRATEGY EXECUTION | How to Define your Future Success
Strategy, either executed with a laser focus or a shotgun approach with no particular process or aim, the latter is sure to fail. In contrast, the laser focus with a relentless passion is sure to succeed. It is your choice and one that will surely set the wind in your sails.
To define this strategy process, it must first and foremost be cohesive and a common thread woven through the entire Brand. Each role is interdependent and executing your specific task is a key piece to ensuring a seamless process. Each part, each lesson, each piece of this intricate puzzle built from a strategy-driven through a shared vision.
At this point, the winners separate themselves from the losers, those who execute those who choose not to execute. The disruptors, the innovators, those who others follow, set the pace for the race that is ahead. They commit themselves to this process, and with a passion that flows through the entire Brand!The followers neither commit to a strategy nor choose to lead, only settle in with the pack waiting for someone to break out and follow. They will always be followers, waiting for the next significant breakthrough so they can find a way to move forward. It is not until the disruptor creates a path do they move.
So how do these generational, Visionary brands consistently define, refine and execute their Strategy?
First, you must have a process to develop your Strategy, and I have found there to be several steps to defining this strategic process most great brands adopt;
Define the Opportunity; the what, where, when, and how, have a free-flowing exchange of IDEAS, ones that move the PASSION needle with your Brand. Negative thinkers are NOT Allowed!
Refine the Opportunity; through a due diligence process, refine these IDEAS into the most promising ones, ones that will both move your Brand forward (incremental) or leapfrog (breakaway) over your competition. Then, re-create, or Re-invent, just make it an AWESOME experience for your Customer!
Determine your Path; with your IDEA, you can now take several paths; each decision brings you closer to the best route to maximizing your long-term potential with this IDEA. You collectively have four distinct approaches;
Intellectual Property; license your IDEA.
Partnership Value Creation; partner with the leader in the category to incrementally provide enhanced value to their current product.
Infrastructure; built out the infrastructure to commercialize the new Opportunity.
DISRUPT; create your Path, one not yet traveled. The most challenging Path, one with BOTH the highest RISK and REWARD!
Deciding upon your strategic Path is built upon having a process that allows you to create opportunities for your Brand. Once you define, refine, commit to, and eventually implement this process, you will find significant opportunities to expand, contract, or move your Brand beyond your competitor's line of sight and achieve success.
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2021
Bryan Smeltzers Podcast on driving your brand forward, reinvigorating your passion, while continuing to maintain and sustain your Vision for long term revenue growth.
Discussions around disruptive strategies, and executable market drivers that provide a unique point of difference for you and your brand.
We discuss this along with other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners.
He is the author of The Visionary Brand, a book on how brands sustain and maintain their Vision over generations.
Bryan is currently President of LiquidMind Inc., a global brand strategy firm located in Southern California.
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iTunes/Apple Podcasts/The Visionary Chronicles
It takes about a minute and supports our growth and reach to others, along with getting some awesome interviews.
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The Visionary Chronicles
Bryan Smeltzers Podcast on driving your brand forward, reinvigorating your passion while maintaining and sustaining your Vision for long-term revenue growth.
Discussions around disruptive strategies and executable market drivers provide a unique point of difference for you and your brand.
We discuss this along with other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners.
He is the author of The Visionary Brand, a book on how brands sustain and maintain their Vision over generations.
Bryan is president of LiquidMind Inc., a global brand strategy firm in Southern California.
If you enjoy The Visionary Chronicles Podcast, it would be great if you could please leave a short Review at;
• iTunes/Apple Podcasts/The Visionary Chronicles
It takes about a minute and supports our growth and reach to others, along with getting some awesome interviews.
Please check out The Visionary Chronicles on these sites;
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The Visionary Chronicles RSS Feed (use for PODCAST players);
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Interested in Sponsoring The Visionary Chronicles Podcast, or a segment? Please fill out this form;• bryansmeltzer.com/contact/