
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Strategy | Successful Branding Strategies
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Strategy | Successful Branding Strategies
(10 Principles Brands can deploy to sustain long-term revenue growth)
"For you to sleep well at night, the aesthetic, the quality, has to be carried all the way through…”
Wisdom from Steve Jobs
Brands many times struggle with first determining, then executing on their Vision. For a start-up or ongoing company to successfully anchor their company in foundational principles that will carry them for generations, they will need to bring their Vision to reality.
This foundation determines all the company stands for from the inside looking out. First, establish who you are, what is your definitive point of difference, why would someone purchase your product, and how you will authentically engage in building your Community, the lifeblood of Loyalty.
With the new age of digital, Loyalty is the lifeblood, but Authentication is the vein. Authentication is what continues to drive Loyalty and long-term customer value to a Brand.
Being Authentic is earned, not a right, and can quickly deteriorate, along with customer loyalty, revenue, and equity. Follow a clear path to building your brand, stay true to creating a Loyal community through authentic engagement, and ensure your Vision is communicated daily through both verbal and visual communications.
This branding flow will ensure all who enter the four walls of your brand clearly understand why you exist, where you are positioned, how you are different, and what is the path forward.
“As a consumer, you want to associate with brands whose powerful presence creates a halo effect that rubs off on you…”
Tom Peters
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
LiquidMind Inc.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2021
In my new Podcast, Branding | Successful Branding Strategies, I discuss 10 Key Principles companies or brands need to deploy to sustain long-term revenue growth successfully.
We discuss this, along with other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners.
Please check out "The Visionary Chronicles" on these sites.
Available on
Apple Podcast
If you like what you hear, I would appreciate your following to receive my weekly Podcasts, along with exclusive content as a follower.
Subscribe to The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST, and receive The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter, along with a FREE VISION Notepad.
Visionary Interviews, I will be doing some upcoming interviews with some icons in the industry. If you happen to know of someone, I may want to interview, please let me know. Just provide some brief information, and if it works, we will reach out.
The Visionary Brands, I will be launching my new book this fall. In preparation, I will be providing some additional, more in-depth discussions around what allows these Visionary Brands to sustain generational success.
a Brand Strategy Firm for those looking to disrupt their industry, build a global digital platform, business execution leadership, or just need someone who understands the complexities of your business and can provide solutions.
#thevisionarychroniclespodcast #businesspodcast #leadershippodcast #thevisionarybrandbook #thevisionarybrand #bryansmeltzer #tompeters #timferris #stevejobs #elonmusk @timferris @tompeters #liquidmindsite #liquidmindconsulting #liquidmindbrandstrategy

Friday Dec 17, 2021
CREATIVITY | How to Maximize IDEA Flow
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST
CHRONICLE: December 17th, 2021
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones..."
Wisdom from John Cage
2018, LinkedIn Survey; Creativity is the number sought-after soft skillset.
Creativity is a Cornerstone for an Innovative Thinker and a Progressive Brand. The ability to consistently think of great IDEAS, understand the impact at a brand level, and ensure they are commercialized is a trait few possess and even are willing to explore.
Exploration is a crucial piece for Creativity; having the guts to do what others say is "Impossible" and pursue a Dream and bring it to Reality for others to see. This Exploration brings excitement and passion to a brand. The willingness to FAIL, and FAIL again for the pursuit of reaching the pinnacle of success. Those who are willing to take this challenge, not just once, but make it part of their DNA, their core Identity will succeed, not only in their markets but with their teams and community as well!With Exploration comes an Artisty around successfully realizing your great IDEA. The creative mastery around molding the IDEA to match your Identity.
The Artist is the one who knows what the painting looks like before a brush is put to canvas. So be an Artist, understand the beauty behind the product, making your communities life more accessible and non-burdensome. The Simple Sophistication of a great product and the Artistry to deliver on your Brand Promise.
To Maximize IDEA flow, you must first be committed to Exploring, embracing Failure, and being an Artist, and all are collectively generating insanely GREAT IDEAS.
What are the areas required to Promote Creativity?
Free Flowing Ideas and Pace: The quicker a decision is made, the better the company. However, having a Brand committed to providing an environment to Create, and generate IDEAS, is one that will never run short on Innovation.
Free your Mind, let the process take its Pace, provide boundaries and ensure these IDEAS are processed, commercialized, or blown up to make it great!
Be a Cognitive Thinker vs. a Logical Mindset; Take your time when flushing our IDEAS, understand the implication to the brand and your community. Then, find solutions through Great IDEAS.
Leave the Door Open; Allow IDEAS to enter the Creativity process, do not be quick to judge, and ensure Cognitive Thinkers are at the table, the Creative doers.
Only the Smart Illusion; Creativity is Cognitive, and why the Logic may not always be the best trait in building an Innovative Culture. Intelligence is often misplaced, put in the correct location it can be very productive, placed in the wrong location is disastrous. Having the ability to think of what "could be" vs. "what is" is the DIFFERENCE!
Implement Balance; When Steve Jobs took over at PIXAR, he implemented the "pluses" policy, meaning every negative needed to be balanced with a plus. This simple policy broke down gridlock at PIXAR and was integral to creating their first blockbuster, Toy Story.
More is Less; Brands feel the Ideation process is better served with more people providing more Ideas…the opposite is true; the best Ideation process, where it provides the best IDEAS, is one where the mindset is common Logic is left at the Door. Cognitive THINKERS ONLY!
Many leaders agree that Innovation and Creativity are the most sought-after traits, but most do nothing to promote creating a Culture where Cognitive Thinkers can thrive!
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
#TheVisionaryChronicles PODCAST
LiquidMind Inc.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2021
In my new Podcast, CREATIVITY | How to Maximize IDEA Flow, I discuss how understanding the exploration process, embracing Risk and a commitment to providing an environment where you embrace Failure is key to generating insanely Great IDEAS.
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast
We discuss this and other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs, Executives, and Small Business Owners.
Please check out "The Visionary Chronicles" on these sites.
Available on
Apple Podcast
If you like what you hear, I would appreciate you providing a rating and following to receive my weekly Podcasts, along with exclusive content as a follower.
Subscribe to The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST, and receive The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter, along with a FREE Vision Notepad.
Visionary Interviews, I will be doing some upcoming interviews with some icons in the industry. If you happen to know of someone I may want to interview, please let me know. Just provide some brief information, and if it works, we will reach out.
a Brand Strategy Firm for those looking to disrupt their industry, build a global digital platform, business execution leadership, or just need someone who understands your business's complexities and can provide solutions.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2021

Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Leadership Traits | How to Identify and Succeed
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST
CHRONICLE: December 9th, 2021
Inspiration "Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it..."
Wisdom from Dwight D. Eisenhower
Leadership Traits | How to Identify & Succeed
There are many leadership traits, each is unique, and each is either a strength or a weakness. Those who are humble enough to identify their inherent weaknesses and build them into strength will gain loyalty, and those who choose to ignore these weaknesses inevitably fail.
Having been a part of some of the most iconic brands and working with these leaders, I have found most embrace a Vision, and most can see the future. One way or another, find a way to bring it to reality. They are iconic, but each had a weakness; some recognized it, others ignored it.
In being a Leader, you must get the team together cohesively to execute your Strategy. Feeling as if you are part of and contributing to a brand's success is something all groups want to be a part of and want it ingrained into their Culture. Leaders who lack the self-awareness to address their weaknesses damage the Brand itself and its Culture, both very difficult to repair.
In looking at these Leaders from inside, and outside perspectives, I have found the following Traits to be the most common. Each is unique, each carries common weaknesses and strengths, but there are Counter traits to correct flaws.
Overconfidence, in most instances, this a very positive Leadership, but when a Leader overpromises and sets unrealistic expectations, the Brand suffers.
Typically the flaw comes from being a short-term planner, not a long-term thinker, and short-sighted on what it will take to execute the plan and the competitive reaction.
Debate and invite Conversation.
Do not be so quick to decide without input.
Do not alienate and invite alternative opinions.
Ensure you understand long-term implications.
Impulsive, you crave the satisfaction of having made a decision, even though you may not have thoroughly worked through the impact across the Brand. You are not contemplating what is required to execute the plan and the consequences of your decision.
Take your time and integrate data.
Understand your overriding Strategy.
Understand consequences.
Rigid, Firm, you control the environment, stick to a process and ensure everyone follows with no change considered. This Leader stifles creativity, eliminates risk, wants predictability, and a result, kills off innovation.
Be open about Decisions.
Take some Risks.
Build Trust with the Team.
Be Curious.
Insecure, you worry about decisions, those around you, and what they may think.
You are often taken advantage of without resistance, and as a result, Trust is degraded.
Understand your Fears.
Address Best & Worst case scenarios.
Find opportunities to Succeed.
Relive Successes.
All Leaders have frailties, and most are not considered Visionary, but understanding your Weaknesses and finding ways to Strengthen your faults will build loyalty and Trust with your team and your Brand!
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
LiquidMind Inc.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2021
Podcast In my new Podcast, Leadership Traits | How to Identify & Succeed, I discuss how to identify common Leadership Traits, the pros and cons of each, and counteractions to take if you find yourself with an inherent weakness.
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast
We discuss this and other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs, Executives, and Small Business Owners.
Please check out "The Visionary Chronicles" on these sites.
Available on
Apple Podcast
If you like what you hear, I would appreciate you providing a rating and following to receive my weekly Podcasts, along with exclusive content as a follower.
Subscribe to The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST, and receive The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter, along with a FREE Vision Notepad.
Visionary Interviews, I will be doing some upcoming interviews with some icons in the industry. If you happen to know of someone I may want to interview, please let me know. Just provide some brief information, and if it works, we will reach out.
Visionary Interviews
a Brand Strategy Firm for those looking to disrupt their industry, build a global digital platform, business execution leadership, or just need someone who understands your business's complexities and can provide solutions.

Friday Nov 12, 2021
Persevere | How to Adapt to Opportunities and Succeed
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast
CHRONICLE: November 15th, 2021
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower..."
Wisdom from Steve
Persevere | How to Adapt to Opportunities and Succeed
In the environment we currently find ourselves in; it may be counterintuitive to suggest finding an opportunity to succeed versus maintaining the status quo.
I have worked directly with and met many global leaders, visionaries, those who set the path forward for brands. I found a common trait with each of these leaders, PERSEVERANCE, the ability to remain steadfast in executing on their VISION despite the difficulty in achieving its success. Perseverance is a trait that is easier said than done, and those who authentically have it more often than not succeed where others fail.
I have found over the years in being a part of or working directly with these global ICONIC brands (Oakley, TaylorMade, adidas, Nike, etc.), each has always found a way to set the path forward regardless of the fog that lies ahead.
It is one thing to define an opportunity; it is another to execute on the path to achieve its success. I have found there to be five distinct areas most of these visionaries and companies have in common when faced with realizing these new opportunities;
Stick to your Path/Plan, always take two steps forward, continue to progress. Remain flexible, divert when necessary, but assure the new direction ultimately achieves your Vision.
Do not listen to naysayers. Visionaries are always ahead of those who are behind in their thinking. Be sensitive to opinions, but understand each must move the company towards realizing the new opportunity. Be a team, but be a leader. The road ahead in a crisis is full of barriers; take them on one by one.
Be realistic; it will take you longer than you think and cost more money than you had planned.
Be creative, whether it be product, financing, logistics, find a way to provide value to those who engage with and buy from your brand.
Have thick skin; you will be hit on all sides, be sure to stand tall, remain persistent, engage your team, and communicate continually.
Defining an opportunity is easy; executing on your Vision is difficult.
This is a "once in a lifetime" opportunity to establish your company, drive revenue growth, and secure your future.
Remember, define your Vision, have a Plan, set your path, support your team, communicate relentlessly, persevere through the barrios, and you will succeed.
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, PresidentLiquidMind Inc.
@LiquidMindsite.com @BryanSmeltzer.com
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2021
In my new Podcast, Persevere | How to Adapt to Opportunities and Succeed, I discuss how to find an opportunity through a disruption, execute a cohesive plan, and succeed.
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast
We discuss this and other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs, Executives, and Small Business Owners.
Please check out "The Visionary Chronicles" on these sites.
Available on
Apple Podcast
If you like what you hear, I would appreciate you providing a rating and following to receive my weekly Podcasts, along with exclusive content as a follower.
Subscribe to The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST, and receive The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter, along with a FREE Vision Notepad.
Visionary Interviews, I will be doing some upcoming interviews with some icons in the industry. If you happen to know of someone, I may want to interview, please let me know. Just provide some brief information, and if it works, we will reach out.
A Brand Strategy Firm for those looking to disrupt their industry, build a global digital platform, business execution leadership, or just need someone who understands your business's complexities and can provide solutions.
Bryan Smeltzers Podcast on driving your brand forward, reinvigorating your passion, while continuing to maintain and sustain your Vision for long term revenue growth.Discussions around disruptive strategies, and executable market drivers that provide a unique point of difference for you and your brand.
We discuss this along with other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners.
He is the author of The Visionary Brand, a book on how brands sustain and maintain their Vision over generations.Bryan is currently President of LiquidMind Inc., a global brand strategy firm located in Southern California.
If you enjoy The Visionary Chronicles Podcast, would be great if you could please leave a short Review at;
• iTunes/Apple Podcasts/The Visionary Chronicles
It takes about a minute and supports our growth and reach to others, along with getting some awesome interviews.
Please check out The Visionary Chronicles on these sites;
• Apple Podcast• Podbean• Spotify• iHeart• Pandora
The Visionary Chronicles RSS Feed (use for PODCAST players);
• https://feed.podbean.com/bryansmeltzer/feed.xml
Sign up for The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter at;
• The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter
Interested in Sponsoring The Visionary Chronicles Podcast, or a segment? Please fill out this form;• bryansmeltzer.com/contact/
Follow me on the following social sites.
• @liquidmindsite on Facebook• @liquidmindsite on Twitter• @bryansmeltzer33 on Facebook • @bryansmeltzer on Twitter• in/bryansmeltzer on Linkedin

Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
THE VISIONARY CHRONICLES: Direct to Consumer Success | How to Thrive in DTC Business
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST
CHRONICLE: November 4th, 2021
Inspiration "Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 'Til your good is better, and your better is best..."
Wisdom from St. Jerome
DTC Success | How to Thrive in Direct to Consumer Business
In my new PODCAST, I discuss defining, building, and growing your DTC channel and creating an authentic lifestyle experience.
Successful DTC brands devise a strategy around their core principles, representing a clear "point of difference" from their competitors, category or service and channel.
A brand must define these competitive weapons and deploy them across all lines of defense. These weapons include; digital marketing tiers and metrics analysis allowing you to pivot as needed, strategic and focused social media site development and growth, and authentic community engagement and user base growth. Developing a strategic, ongoing, and relevant game plan will allow a brand to protect its hard-earned equity and product positioning.
Another critical piece to successfully deploy your DTC business is defining your expectations across several tiers. Too many companies and brands we work with through LiquidMind (LiquidMindsite.com) have a very narrow focus, tunnel vision! Broaden and understand the actual landscape you face with DTC, both expansion opportunities and competitive challenges. These will encompass both tangible and intangible metrics. With so much data available, understanding the reasoning behind the numbers, along with the proper application of resources and investments, will determine your success, which means not merely throwing money at an opportunity without first analyzing the demo target and investment required to have an impact.
This investment and analysis require a deep dive to understand the landscape and if you want to become a big fish in a small pond or little fish in the ocean of other brands and similar products. Find your "open" water, define your platforms and understand the success metrics, both tangible and intangible.
The issue with many DTC models is they consider only the tangible but miss on the intangible. For example, all considerations and analyses are attrition, ROAS, CPC, CAC, price point compression, Loyalty, LTV, competitive set, and capabilities.
There are several areas I have defined through our work with both global and start-up brands which has allowed them to sustain long-term success with their DTC business;
Product Innovation Pipeline, constantly be introducing new products and drawing previous generations. So control the supply/demand curve!
Master your Core Business before moving into other categories; master your current category. Don't get greedy; stick to what you know, then migrate.
Provide Value beyond Product; the product is present; Value is the future. Once your community has purchased your product, this is where LTV is maximized. Keep them engaged, provide Value!
Build your Loyalty Loop, clearly understand the customer journey, and make their engagement experience easy.
Create a Relationship, personalize, personalize, personalize! Proactively understand the needs of your customer, both product and experience.
Building, growing, and sustaining your DTC business will provide band equity creation and long-term community loyalty, and the ability to control your destiny.
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
LiquidMind Inc.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2021
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast
I discuss this and other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs, Executives, and Small Business Owners.
Please check out "The Visionary Chronicles" on these sites.
Available on
Apple Podcast
If you like what you hear, I would appreciate you providing a rating and following to receive my weekly Podcasts, along with exclusive content as a follower.
Subscribe to The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST, and receive The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter, along with a FREE Vision Notepad.
Visionary Interviews, I will be doing some upcoming interviews with some icons in the industry. If you happen to know of someone I may want to interview, please let me know. Just provide some brief information, and if it works, we will reach out.
A Brand Strategy Firm for those looking to disrupt their industry, build a global digital platform, business execution leadership, or just need someone who understands your business's complexities and can provide solutions.
Check us out at LiquidMindsite.com
Bryan Smeltzers Podcast on driving your brand forward, reinvigorating your passion, while continuing to maintain and sustain your Vision for long-term revenue growth.
Discussions around disruptive strategies, and executable market drivers that provide a unique point of difference for you and your brand.
We discuss this along with other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners.
He is the author of The Visionary Brand, a book on how brands sustain and maintain their Vision over generations.
Bryan is currently President of LiquidMind Inc., a global brand strategy firm located in Southern California.
If you enjoy The Visionary Chronicles Podcast, would be great if you could please leave a short Review at;
iTunes/Apple Podcasts/The Visionary Chronicles
It takes about a minute and supports our growth and reach to others, along with getting some awesome interviews.
The Visionary Chronicles RSS Feed (use for PODCAST players);
Sign up for The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter at;
The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter
Interested in Sponsoring The Visionary Chronicles Podcast, or a segment? Please fill out this form;
Follow me on the following social sites.
@liquidmindsite on Facebook
@liquidmindsite on Twitter
@bryansmeltzer33 on Facebook
@bryansmeltzer on Twitter
in/bryansmeltzer on Linkedin

Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Innovation Strategy | How to Implement an Innovation Driven Culture
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST
CHRONICLE: October 28th, 2021
"If we are to preserve culture, we must continue to create it...."
Wisdom from Johan Huzinga
Innovation Strategy | How to Effectively Implement an Innovation-Driven Culture
In my new PODCAST, I discuss integrating an innovation-driven culture inside your brand and the commitment it takes to succeed.
TRUE blood Brands find a way to set a Vision driven by an authentic need to Innovate, and Disrupt the Status Quo in their industry or product category.
With LiquidMind, I often am asked, "Where do I start?". For starters, Innovation is an engrained cultural phenomenon. Yes, a phenomenon, something intangible, built into a brand's culture, something you can SEE and FEEL. Thinks of brands, even though you may not be a part of their company, where you can FEEL and SEE the consistently great Innovation they aspire others to achieve!
Being an Innovator is something that is earned, something committed to throughout the company. It is protected by those Artists and Creators whose sole intent is to preserve the SOUL of the brand.
But, where is a company to start? First, it begins at the top, with a Vision to be "Best in Class" and a leader for others to follow. To attain this status, you are forced to innovate, not just one time…" no ONE HIT wonders allowed"…but continually and consistently, generation to generation, always GREAT!
There are several steps to implementing this strategy, and all I discuss in PODCAST, The Visionary Chronicles;
Create, and commit to a Shared Vision. Disrupt, and eliminate your competition.
Define the Team and expectations. Ensure they have your full support, for failure is inevitable and required to sustain success. Ensure you have "checkpoints," but not barriers to realizing a great Idea, always moving forward.
Provide proper resources and tools to succeed on the Vision. Provide oxygen, do not leave your marching to the summit of Everest without the adequate resources to survive.
Define the opportunity and proper fit with your brand. Ensure everyone understands both the positioning and culture.
get out of the way! Disruption is a fast-moving train; you will succeed if you have the right Team with the proper resources!
Innovation is more easily said than done; it takes a commitment to RISK and embracing FAILURE!
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
LiquidMind Inc.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2021
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast
I discuss this and other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs, Executives, and Small Business Owners.
Please check out "The Visionary Chronicles" on these sites.
Available on
Apple Podcast
If you like what you hear, I would appreciate you providing a rating and following to receive my weekly Podcasts, along with exclusive content as a follower.
Updates Subscribe to The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST, and receive The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter, along with a FREE Vision Notepad.
Visionary Interviews, I will be doing some upcoming interviews with some icons in the industry. If you happen to know of someone I may want to interview, please let me know. Just provide some brief information, and if it works, we will reach out.
A Brand Strategy Firm for those looking to disrupt their industry, build a global digital platform, business execution leadership, or just need someone who understands your business's complexities and can provide solutions.
© All Copyrights Reserved, Bryan Smeltzer
Bryan Smeltzers Podcast on driving your brand forward, reinvigorating your passion, while continuing to maintain and sustain your Vision for long-term revenue growth.
Discussions around disruptive strategies, and executable market drivers that provide a unique point of difference for you and your brand.
We discuss this along with other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners.
He is the author of The Visionary Brand, a book on how brands sustain and maintain their Vision over generations.
Bryan is currently President of LiquidMind Inc., a global brand strategy firm located in Southern California.
If you enjoy The Visionary Chronicles Podcast, would be great if you could please leave a short Review at;
iTunes/Apple Podcasts/The Visionary Chronicles
It takes about a minute and supports our growth and reach to others, along with getting some awesome interviews.
The Visionary Chronicles RSS Feed (use for PODCAST players);
Sign up for The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter at;
The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter
Interested in Sponsoring The Visionary Chronicles Podcast, or a segment? Please fill out this form;
Follow me on the following social sites.
@liquidmindsite on Facebook
@liquidmindsite on Twitter
@bryansmeltzer33 on Facebook
@bryansmeltzer on Twitter
in/bryansmeltzer on Linkedin

Friday Oct 15, 2021
Authentication | Foundational of a Brand‘s Success
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST
CHRONICLE: October 15th, 2021
"The authentic self is the soul made visible..."
Wisdom from Sarah Ben Breathnach
PODCAST: Authentication | Foundation to a Brand's Success
In my new PODCAST, I discuss Authentication, what it is in by definition, and how Brands can assure they are Truly Authentic.
Most Brands realize that being Authentic is an essential piece of building long-term Loyalty; however, I have found that most do not know what it MEANS to be Authentic. It is an interesting dynamic, and one most Brands never commit to realizing in their day-to-day.
Being Authentic by definition is;
not false or copied; genuine; real
representing one's true nature or beliefs; true to oneself or the person identified
entitled to acceptance or belief because of agreement with known facts or experience
Your Authentic Brand ID has many different Elements, both tangible and non-tangible, equally crucial to creating a winning Formula, assuring you are staying true to your authentic foundational pillars and brand ETHOS.
You have the Traditional Brand ID Elements; Positioning, Mission, Vision, Personality, and Core Competencies. You also have the non-tangible Elements most Brands forget about or do not commit to; Value, Relationships, Culture, Expression. These, in most instances, are more important than tangible elements. These are the ONES that separate GREAT Brands from AVERAGE Brands!
The Brand that can consistently execute, commit to and support these core elements of a successful company are the ones who will be generational. Just look at some of the brands who fit this mold;
Having the courage to commit to being Great starts with your Foundational Pillars, those on which your Brand was built. Understanding first the Vision, second how to Execute, and third assuring you are Committed to supporting these Pillars stand.
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
LiquidMind Inc.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2021
Bryan Smeltzers Podcast on driving your brand forward, reinvigorating your passion, while continuing to maintain and sustain your Vision for long-term revenue growth.
Discussions around disruptive strategies, and executable market drivers that provide a unique point of difference for you and your brand.
We discuss this along with other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners.
He is the author of The Visionary Brand, a book on how brands sustain and maintain their Vision over generations.
Bryan is currently President of LiquidMind Inc., a global brand strategy firm located in Southern California.
If you enjoy The Visionary Chronicles Podcast, would be great if you could please leave a short Review at;
iTunes/Apple Podcasts/The Visionary Chronicles
It takes about a minute and supports our growth and reach to others, along with getting some awesome interviews.
Please check out The Visionary Chronicles on these sites;
Apple Podcast
The Visionary Chronicles RSS Feed (use for PODCAST players);
Sign up for The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter at;
The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter
Interested in Sponsoring The Visionary Chronicles Podcast, or a segment? Please fill out this form;
Follow me on the following social sites.
@liquidmindsite on Facebook
@liquidmindsite on Twitter
@bryansmeltzer33 on Facebook
@bryansmeltzer on Twitter
in/bryansmeltzer on Linkedin
If you like what you hear, I would appreciate you providing a rating and following to receive my weekly Podcasts, along with exclusive content as a follower.
Subscribe to The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST, and receive The Visionary Chronicles Newsletter, along with a FREE Vision Notepad.
Visionary Interviews, I will be doing some upcoming interviews with some icons in the industry. If you happen to know of someone, I may want to interview, please let me know. Just provide some brief information, and if it works, we will reach out.
A Brand Strategy Firm for those looking to disrupt their industry, build a global digital platform, business execution leadership, or just need someone who understands your business's complexities and can provide solutions.

Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Breakaway Products | Establishing a First Move Advantage
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
The Visionary Chronicles
CHRONICLE: October 7th, 2021
"There is no innovation and creativity without failure. Period..."
Wisdom from Brene Brown
Breakaway Products | Establishing a First Mover Advantage
In my new PODCAST, I discuss how Brands who have committed themselves to execute a Product Innovation platform driven by Failure and led through Breakaway goals is a Formula for Success
No great product has EVER been created without first failing! Failure is part of the process, but Failure also entails Managing Risk. The Risk is that things will not turn out as you had planned, but this part of being a generational leader, one who Disrupts while others are complacent.
Being able to find a way to Disrupt through Breakaway Products, ones that are Generational in their impact is the pinnacle of Brand innovation. To have this process integrated into your Brand, you first need to understand the commitment required, not just seasonally but all year long! This is where most brands jump off the boat for fear of failure, not realizing success.
The Breakaway concept is to realize a product that changes the game in your category, forces others to follow, and changes how we interact or perform in our day-to-day lives. The concept can be technology, consumer products, or any process which changes how we interact daily, and more often than not, something we thought we never needed. As Henry Ford famously said, "If I had asked my customer what they wanted, they would have said… 'a faster horse'." Look where we are at today due to Henry Ford's Vision, a true Visionary, one that changed our mode of transportation!
Being a Visionary means, you embrace Risk, understanding that this is a weapon to create great things or a paralyzing of Failure. Be Visionary, adopt Risk as part of your process, and know that failure is the stepping stone to eventual success. Although not all Risk is brilliant, you must know when to move on, or your Idea will bring you down to earth. Knowing the difference is being a Leader.
Be A Visionary, Be A Risk Taker, Be a Generational Brand! Breakaway from your Competition…
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
LiquidMind Inc.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2021
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast
I discuss this and other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs, Executives, and Small Business Owners.
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Visionary Interviews, I will be doing some upcoming interviews with some icons in the industry. If you happen to know of someone, I may want to interview, please let me know. Just provide some brief information, and if it works, we will reach out.
A Brand Strategy Firm for those looking to disrupt their industry, build a global digital platform, business execution leadership, or just need someone who understands your business's complexities and can provide solutions.
© All Copyrights Reserved, Bryan Smeltzer
Bryan Smeltzers Podcast on driving your brand forward, reinvigorating your passion, while continuing to maintain and sustain your Vision for long-term revenue growth.
Discussions around disruptive strategies, and executable market drivers that provide a unique point of difference for you and your brand.
We discuss this along with other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners.
He is the Author of The Visionary Brand, a book on how brands sustain and maintain their Vision over generations.
Bryan is currently President of LiquidMind Inc., a global brand strategy firm located in Southern California.
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The Visionary Chronicles
Bryan Smeltzers Podcast on driving your brand forward, reinvigorating your passion while maintaining and sustaining your Vision for long-term revenue growth.
Discussions around disruptive strategies and executable market drivers provide a unique point of difference for you and your brand.
We discuss this along with other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners.
He is the author of The Visionary Brand, a book on how brands sustain and maintain their Vision over generations.
Bryan is president of LiquidMind Inc., a global brand strategy firm in Southern California.
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It takes about a minute and supports our growth and reach to others, along with getting some awesome interviews.
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