
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Art of Competition | Creating a Strategy to Overcome Competitive Forces
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast
CHRONICLE: August 1st , 2022
"Know your enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster."
Wisdom from Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Art of Competition | Creating a Strategy that Overcomes Competitive Forces
The Forces of Competition, which determine strategic planning and marketplace execution, are shared among all industries. Those who can anticipate both industry and competitive moves will succeed for generations.
Anticipation is the "Art of War," and brands who fight and win the battle without having pulled a sword are the ones who have mastered the "Art of Competition." But unfortunately, many have gone to war and have shown nothing for their efforts; a strategy built on a foundation of brute force inevitably fails.
Find a way to determine outcomes before they are fought, and you will build a team and a brand set on a solid foundation, a fortress others cannot enter. Creating a culture where everyone knows their role, works together to ensure the foundation stands, and others envy what you have made and want to know your future Vision. The best they can hope for is to follow in your path but never lead.
There are several forces brands must be aware of to execute The Art of Competition in the marketplace.
New Blood
With this scenario, new blood is the latest entry into your category, one who has a new idea, provides a potentially better service or product.
Combatting this competitor takes anticipation, an innovation process, and the ability to never look over your shoulder. Each of these allows a brand to move ahead with your Vision while ensuring this new blood is blocked or eliminated from establishing a beachhead without doing anything different. Changing course is not an option, but pivoting without disrupting your business is critical.
The scale was a strategy many were caught off guard by during the pandemic, and most were unable to recover in whole or in part.
However, to attain sufficient scale with a manufacturing matrix with the core competencies needed to produce a consistently excellent product and out-innovating yourself first is the winning formula.
Loyalty, recurring revenue, and value creation are foundational to longevity. These pieces of your foundation will create a wall no competitor can climb.
This takes consistency, an understanding of who your customer is, what they value, and why they buy your products is a strategic weapon built off your team's shoulders.
Commodity Players
The Imitators, not the Innovators, are the commodity players. They are not be feared, but rather these are the ones to be called out and challenged at every turn.
Imitators take great Ideas and churn them into inferior quality products and lower-tier price points. As a result, they do not build a trusting, loyal community that embraces value provided by the brand, but rather a following looking for the next significant "draw-down."
Some have been successful with this strategy, but this is like building your foundation on the sand vs. rock. YOUR CHOICE.
The most threatening part of a brand executing its future Vision is its direct Rival, those who have authentically built a loyal community, created their innovation pipeline and stayed true to their foundation.
They are to be respected, but the Art of War principles are genuinely beneficial and provide the most benefit. You want to anticipate the moves of your Rivals, find ways to outflank them, diminish their impact, and put the fires out before they start.
The Art of War is winning without having gone to battle. So what can you do to anticipate your Rival's next move and step out and take risks, never to relinquish your lead?
The Art of Competition is understanding the landscape, anticipating your Rival's moves, outflanking your Competition, and finding ways to win the battles through a strategy where you never have to draw your weapon! Find a way to win!
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
LiquidMind Inc.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2022
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast
We discuss this and other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs, Executives, and Small Business Owners.
Please check out "The Visionary Chronicles" on these sites.
Available on
Apple Podcast
If you like what you hear, I would appreciate you providing a rating and following to receive my weekly Podcasts, along with exclusive content as a follower.
Subscribe to The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST, and receive The Visionary Chronicles Weekly Newsletter, along with a FREE copy of my new book;
The Visionary Brand, The Success Formula Behind the World’s Most Visionary Brands.
I am providing a FREE copy with the hope you will review Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, or any other international distributions sites the book is currently being distributed. It is always greatly appreciated to spread the word.
Visionary Interviews, I will be doing some upcoming interviews with some icons in the industry. If you happen to know of someone, I may want to interview, please let me know. Just provide some brief information, and if it works, we will reach out.
Interview Form
a Brand Strategy Firm for those looking to disrupt their industry, build a global digital platform, business execution leadership, or just need someone who understands your business's complexities and can provide solutions.

Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Alignment | Managing Marketing & Sales Alignment
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
The Visionary ChroniclesCHRONICLE: July 21st, 2022
" Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people.” Wisdom from Steve Jobs
Alignment | Managing Marketing & Sales Alignment
With over 88% of companies indicating a misalignment between marketing and sales on items such as; strategy, branding, and creation, it is an area that needs vast improvement across almost every brand.Our clients at LiquidMind (LiquidMindsite.com), both large-cap through start-up, face the same issues, and most do not either recognize the misalignment or understand the process to improve the alignment. In addition, as more brands move to DTC, the sales cycle becomes more tangible on the direct-to-consumer side and with your retailers, as they fight for both dollars and time. As a result, this alignment becomes more critical to a company's short and long-term success.With most brands, you will find these two functional areas run independently of one another when they should be working in parallel, ensuring the brand is in complete alignment across all channels and modes of communication. However, they need each other, and frustration, inefficiency, and misalignment set in when separated.
So how does a brand work to correct this misalignment? At LiquidMind, we work with our brands on the following areas, and step by step, piece by piece, the alignment becomes a reality.
Content CreationMarketing often makes assumptions, based on the brand positioning, creative assets, and channels, that what they are creating is valuable to the sales teams, buyers, and customers. To define what is needed, you must understand where, when, who, and how you create and communicate. Is this content a valuable tool for the sales team, and does the marketing strategy take a regular "pulse" check with your brand community, buyers, and sales team? Creating for the sake of producing is not a strategy. Moving does not mean you are making progress. To create alignment with Content Creation, ensure the sales team is mapping your creative strategy, both online and in-store. Also, provide your community in engaging with your content, and they are finding helpful something "beyond" product.
Understand NeedMore often than not these two areas do not understand each other's needs. Always start with Marketing, and end with Sales. Just because you "create" something does not mean it is an effective tool for the sales force. To better understand the need, have the sales team provide regular input on tangible tools to make their lives easier and provide branding, tools, and communications to make your communities' Lives easier. Understanding and balancing both is critical to marketing your brand and ensuring you maintain brand equity and loyal with both sales and your customers.
Mind MergeHaving regular sessions with the sales team, communicating marketing efforts, and applying the strategy daily builds trust with both organizations. Merging ideas and concepts with reality will bring the Marketing Strategy to a more tangible level to the sales team. So get them involved, but sales must also understand their role in the process, it NOT to create, but rather provide details on NEEDS.
Tool GenerationEnsure marketing has laid out the tools, resources, and integrated brand strategy to the sales team. The sales team needs to be seamless with "messaging" to buyers and consumers and the lead driven by marketing.If there is no clear strategy, vision, or plan, you can imagine how quickly this alignment can break down. Ensure you provide online and offline marketing tools that can be used by both internal sales and external buyers or customers.
With the fast-paced, digital world we live in, aligning with everyone inside a brand is critical to the successful execution of your strategy. Frustration and misalignment can be replaced by an authentic, genuine passion and excitement for what your brand is doing and yet to accomplish. Together, lock arms, understand shared needs, and complement one another strengths, and work on your weaknesses to better the brand!
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, be Great! Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
LiquidMind Inc. @LiquidMindsite.com @BryanSmeltzer.com © All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2022
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast In my new Podcast, Alignment | Managing Marketing & Sales Alignment , I discuss both the understanding of team misalignment and how to correct this going forward.
We discuss this and other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs, Executives, and Small Business Owners.
Please check out "The Visionary Chronicles" on these sites. Available on
PodbeanApple PodcastSpotifyiHeartPandora
If you like what you hear, I would appreciate you providing a rating and following to receive my weekly Podcasts, along with exclusive content as a follower.
Subscribe to The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST and receive The Visionary Chronicles Weekly Newsletter, along with a FREE copy of my new book;The Visionary Brand, The Success Formula Behind the World's Most Visionary Brands, an AMAZON Bestseller!
I am providing a FREE copy hoping you will review Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, or any other international distribution sites the book is currently being distributed. It is always greatly appreciated to spread the word. Enjoy!
Visionary Interviews, I will be doing some upcoming interviews with some icons in the industry. If you happen to know of someone I may want to interview, please let me know. Just provide some brief information, and if it works, we will reach out.
LiquidMinda Brand Strategy Firm for those looking to disrupt their industry, build a global digital platform, business execution leadership, or just need someone who understands your business's complexities and can provide solutions.

Tuesday May 31, 2022
Leadership | Lead by Faith not Fear
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast
CHRONICLE: June 1st, 2022
“When we are in chaos, everybody has a plan to fix it. But it takes a leader of real understanding to straighten things out.”
Life Faith from Proverbs 28:2 (Mes)
Leadership | Lead by Faith, not Fear
Faith is something all of us have embraced at one point in our lives, and we know if, more often than not comes at the darkest moments or times. This is a comfort we have, knowing that all things are possible through Faith.
We often try to take on the world or do not understand how the world operates or works, and trying to figure it out seems to be an impossible task. Through building my own company and having been with some of the world's most iconic brands, problems and barriers are an inevitable part of your evolution. It is where you turn in these times that makes the difference between just surviving or eternally thriving. The strength to know there is an end and the power to realize you will always have blessings through your Faith that will carry you through these storms of life.
Each has barriers of different magnitudes, but very few of us take the time to pray and know this is a test to strengthen us for both ourselves and others. Many people feel uncomfortable discussing their Faith, which is fine as long as you have an authentic Faith that reaches out in both the good times and bad times. You will have both, but to have a singular Faith is very reassuring and comforting.
Leaders who are open about their Faith and have an engraining belief in the blessings true Faith provides each day are more reassured during difficult times and understand there is an end to the struggles. Having a leader with this character and strength in these difficult times is assuring.
Leaders can embrace several biblical principles as they look to Lead through Faith.
Lead by Faith, not Fear; the assurance that all things will work together for good.
Do not overemphasize the negative; during these storms of life, people hear enough of the bad and be the bearer of good news whenever possible.
Never underestimate the power of a team; cohesively bringing others together for a common goal, driven through a shared passion, is powerful.
Inject the positive, eliminate the negative; during storms, be the one who leads through reassurance and positivity.
Faith overcomes Fear, knowing and believing that a solid foundational Faith conquers Fear.
“Some have refused to let Faith guide their decisions, and they have been destroyed like a wrecked ship.”
1 Timothy 1:19 (GW)
In creating this Podcast, I wanted to discuss ALL subjects, ones I intuitively knew entrepreneurs needed to hear and ones no one wanted to discuss. Faith played an essential role in assuring I would be able to knock down barriers put in front of me in my entrepreneurial journey. The reassurance that the storm would eventually end, and the light would again be bright.
This is also why I started the Saddleback Christian Entrepreneur Leadership Ministry at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, CA, where Rick Warren is our Pastor and the author of Purpose Driven Life. Click on the image below to find information on our Ministry, or forward it to those you feel may benefit.
I hope you find this Podcast inspirational and you take it to heart. I am sure you will need the Faith to take you through a trying time or storm in your life.
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, and be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
LiquidMind Inc.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2022
In my new Podcast, Leadership | Lead by Faith, not Fear, I discuss how leaders need to lean on their Faith when barriers to success seem out of reach or when you need to reinvigorate your passion or lead your team through the storms you will inevitably face.
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast
We discuss this and other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs, Executives, and Small Business Owners.
Please check out "The Visionary Chronicles" on these sites.
Available on
Apple Podcast
If you like what you hear, I would appreciate you providing a rating and following to receive my weekly podcasts and exclusive content as a follower.
Subscribe to The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST and receive The Visionary Chronicles Weekly Newsletter, along with a FREE copy of my new book;
The Visionary Brand, The Success Formula Behind the World's Most Visionary Brands.
I am providing a FREE copy hoping you will review Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, or any other international distribution sites.
Visionary Interviews, I will be doing some upcoming interviews with some icons in the industry. If you know of someone, I may want to interview, please let me know. Just provide some brief information, and if it works, we will reach out.
a Brand Strategy Firm for those looking to disrupt their industry, build a global digital platform, business execution leadership, or just need someone who understands your business's complexities and can provide solutions.

Thursday May 26, 2022
Marketing Metrics | Develop a Roadmap
Thursday May 26, 2022
Thursday May 26, 2022
The Visionary Chronicles
CHRONICLE: May 27th, 2022
“The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself…”
Wisdom from Peter Drucker
Marketing Metrics | Developing a Roadmap
We know that Marketing Metrics do matter and are an essential contribution to defining brand ROI. They establish marketing discipline, decision making, investment analysis, assessing the effectiveness of critical activities, and validating how business outcomes are achieved.
It is how we determine, assess, and manage these metrics to build an effective marketing strategy that provides tangible brand equity benefits and a realized ROI.
The first step in building your Roadmap is determining the most critical data points to construct an analysis of brand investment value.
Metric Data Point Analysis;
Do these metrics impact revenue (P/L) or the brand equity value/goodwill (balance sheet)?
Do the metrics define the past (previous) or the future (lifetime value)?
Are the metrics static (period demand generation) or dynamic (ongoing demand build)?
The Roadmap to the Value of defining marketing metrics:
Campaign Metrics; effectiveness, ROI through click-through rates, and visits.
Satisfaction Metrics; customer satisfaction through NPS (net promoter score), or revenue.
Brand Metrics; brand affinity or brand equity valuation increase.
Customer Acquisition/Attrition; process to determine customer churn rate.
Corporate Metrics; enterprise value translation through corporate Culture, HR, or potential M & A value.
You will need to initial the analysis with metrics that track marketing investment performance, such as promos. Then, determine and measure the outcome and compare it to the expectations, such as;
Customers Visits?
Do the results justify the investment?
How effective and efficient was marketing’s strategy?
Were you able to determine ROI?
The most common marketing ROI formula’s are;
TOTAL: Marketing Return on Investment
MROI (%) = Incremental revenue attributable to marketing ($) during the period – Marketing spending ($) ÷ Marketing spending ($)= % ROI
FUNNEL: Marketing Return on Investment (LiquidMind action sports customer-example)
Campaign cost ($30,000) generates 6,000 views of video. Historical tracking projects 12 of viewers will become qualified leads within 6 weeks and 10 % will convert to revenue within 6-9 months = 72 sales. At a profit of $500/sale = $36,000 in revenue.
Funnel MROI - $36,000-$30,000/$30,000 = 20% MROI
CUSTOMER EQUITY: Marketing Return on Investment (LiquidMind banking customer-example)
Customer retention/attrition valuation; 10,000 customers, @ $2,000 annual profit/customer. Current attrition rate = 20%, invest $4M and goal is to reduce to 17%.
Before; 10,000 * $2,000/20% - $100M
After; 10,000 * $2,000/17% = $117M
Customer Equity MROI; $17.6M (increase)- $4M(marketing)/$4M (marketing) = 340% MROI
These marketing metrics need to be combined with other metrics. Still, the most important ones are revenue growth, which realizes a tangible ROI, and customer satisfaction through the Net Promoter Score.
The marketing team can measure the Value of brands equity value growth through other more intangible metrics such as;
Brand awareness
Brand consideration
Brand preference
Brand quality and point of difference
Brand affinity
Brand positioning
Brand culture
In looking at brand marketing metrics, a recent study of CMOs in 2021 found the following are the most important for determining ROI.
Digital Marketing Performance
Lead Generation
Content Engagement
Lead Generation
Customer Engagement/Experience
Campaign Costs
As you can see, marketing metrics are important, but determining tangible benefits is of the utmost importance.
At LiquidMind (LiquidMindsite.com), we work with our brands to set a cohesive marketing strategy, activation plan, ongoing investment analysis, and brand equity development and growth determination.
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, and be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
LiquidMind Inc.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2022
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast
In my new Podcast, Marketing Metrics | Develop a Roadmap, I discuss what are most important metrics in order to accurately determine marketing return on investment. With so many channels, combined with seemingly intangible results, how to you measure spends, and future investment strategy?
We discuss this and other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs, Executives, and Small Business Owners.
Please check out "The Visionary Chronicles" on these sites.
Available on
Apple Podcast
If you like what you hear, I would appreciate you providing a rating and following to receive my weekly podcasts and exclusive content as a follower.
Subscribe to The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST and receive The Visionary Chronicles Weekly Newsletter, along with a FREE copy of my new book;
The Visionary Brand, The Success Formula Behind the World's Most Visionary Brands.
I am providing a FREE copy hoping you will review Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, or any other international distribution sites the book is currently being distributed. It is always greatly appreciated to spread the word.
Visionary Interviews, I will be doing some upcoming interviews with some icons in the industry. If you happen to know of someone I may want to interview, please let me know. Just provide some brief information, and if it works, we will reach out.
Empowering Disruptive Brands...
Brand Strategy Firm for those looking to disrupt their industry, build a global digital platform, business execution leadership, or just need someone who understands your business's complexities and can provide solutions.

Wednesday May 11, 2022
Inspirational Leadership | How to Authentically Inspire Others
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
The Visionary Chronicles
CHRONICLE: May 12th, 2022
Inspiration "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them…"
Life Wisdom from President John F. Kennedy
PODCAST: Inspirational Leadership | How to Authentically Inspire Others
"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them…"
Iconic words from an inspirational President. Most, if not all, would wish to have such an inspirational leader to work for or be inspired by in life. Unfortunately, this is the case with most, but you can make a difference in others' lives, be inspiring, be authentic and live by your words!
As we know, having gone through the pandemic and a continual barrage of challenges over the years and decades, having an authentic, inspirational leader is a rare sighting these days.
The pandemic has taken a toll on our mental and physical health. Being able to inspire others through these challenges is undoubtedly a trait most would like to have, but nearly everyone ignores. It has been proven that those leaders who take the time to engage, providing an environment of trust, enthusiasm, renewal, gratitude, and recognition, are more likely to have enhanced performance from their Brand, lower employee turnover, more significant innovation, and a better culture. Not a bad return for a bit of investment of your time!
This attribute is a complementary skill set to a Visionary leader, and the one who adopts this authentic leadership style will reap long-term benefits. Conversely, the opposite of inspirational leadership, someone who lifts everyone around them is uninspiring, a grinder who never looks up to see those who are supporting them, someone with no level of gratitude, and someone who burns everyone out.
The inspirational leader gains energy from those you engage with, like a multiplier effect. Unlike traditional energy zappers, running, exercise, and emotions, passionate leaders feed off the positive energy of others.
In looking at the effects of positive, inspirational, Visionary leaders, the following are the result of being genuinely engaged, compassionate, and gracious;
You are authentic and trustworthy.
You enhance your performance through others.
Overall brand performance is improved, both financially and culturally.
Innovation is greater.
Teams are more engaged.
Family relationships are improved as a result of recognition and appreciation.
Being a genuinely inspirational leader with endless energy and the ability to motivate others is not easy. Still, it becomes easy if you are authentically committed and the results are tangible.
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, and be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
LiquidMind Inc.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2022
In my new Podcast, Inspirational Leadership | How to Authentically Inspire Others, I discuss your role in being an authentic, passionate, and inspiring leader. This trait is rare, but those committed will make a positive change and impact other people's lives.
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast
We discuss this and other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs, Executives, and Small Business Owners.
Please check out "The Visionary Chronicles" on these sites.
Available on:
Google Play
Amazon Music
Apple Podcast
If you like what you hear, I would appreciate you providing a rating and following to receive my weekly podcasts and exclusive content as a follower.
Subscribe to The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST and receive The Visionary Chronicles Weekly Newsletter, along with a FREE copy of my new book;
The Visionary Brand, The Success Formula Behind the World's Most Visionary Brands.
I am providing a FREE copy hoping you will review Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, or any other international distribution sites the book is currently being distributed. It is always greatly appreciated to spread the word.
Visionary Interviews, I will be doing some upcoming interviews with some icons in the industry. If you happen to know of someone I may want to interview, please let me know. Just provide some brief information, and if it works, we will reach out.
a Brand Strategy Firm for those looking to disrupt their industry, build a global digital platform, business execution leadership, or just need someone who understands your business's complexities and can provide solutions.

Thursday May 05, 2022
DIGITAL MARKETING | Building Customer Data Knowledge
Thursday May 05, 2022
Thursday May 05, 2022
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast
CHRONICLE # 81: May 5th, 2022
"Data is not information, and information is not knowledge, knowledge is not understanding, understanding is not wisdom.”
Knowledge from Clifford Stoll
PODCAST: DIGITAL MARKETING | Building Customer Data Knowledge
Digital marketing has been moving at the speed of light, and most brands will be left in the dust. But unfortunately, they continue to manage their digital marketing strategy as if it was 1999, not 2022.
It is challenging to jump and stay on this fast-moving train without getting run over, but you must have a digital strategy that allows for knowledge learning.
Knowledge is the king of digital marketing, anticipating consumer needs, offering recommendations, and being proactive with products that match immediate needs.
Companies like Amazon are a model of how to anticipate consumer needs and continually adapt to changing conditions. Amazon is at the pinnacle of digital AI, and this has taken them decades to perfect. They sell over 4,000 products every minute, with over 55% recommended through their AI database. With a database of over 350 million items, they reset their algorithms within seconds. These recommendations are relative to Amazon assets; Prime, Prime Video, Amazon Fresh, and Whole Foods.
Google is another brand with an endless amount of consumer data and Shopping analysis algorithms. In addition, the interconnectivity of Google is ongoing, with over 25 billion data points connecting products with consumers.
Both Amazon and Google, along with many other brands, capture how individuals exercise, work, play, interact, vacation, and other activities which define specific recommendations.
The intent is to learn their customer's preferences and offer what they “may” need before they know it or when they are looking.
So how does a brand get started and stay ahead of this fast-moving train?
Rich Data; First, understand it is not the amount of data you have but the effective use of what you have. How valuable is the information you have? Determine your customer needs, and personalize it. Rich data!
Algorithms; develop algorithms that personalize your Brand’s experience related to your consumer and community. Build Trust, and offer Value!
Build Trust; as you continue to migrate data through algorithms, ensure you are careful to utilize the data to create a trusting, personalized experience with current customers and those who are not yet.
To build a digital marketing engine, you must have a “dynamic” strategy that can move with the changes in the digital marketing tools and algorithms they create. It is not an easy task, but one you must adopt to succeed in your DTC channel!
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
LiquidMind Inc.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2022
In my new Podcast, Digital Marketing | Building Customer Data Knowledge, I discuss establishing a data knowledge structure for your company. Ensuring you accumulate, and use only useful data, along with respecting your communities privacy and continuing to provide value to your consumer.
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast
We discuss this and other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs, Executives, and Small Business Owners.
Please check out "The Visionary Chronicles" on these sites:
Apple Podcast
Google Play
Amazon Music
If you like what you hear, I would appreciate you providing a rating and following to receive my weekly Podcasts, along with exclusive content as a follower.
Subscribe to The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST, and receive The Visionary Chronicles Weekly Newsletter, along with a FREE copy of my new book;
The Visionary Brand, The Success Formula Behind the World's Most Visionary Brands.
I am providing a FREE copy with the hope you will review Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, or any other international distributions sites the book is currently being distributed. It is always greatly appreciated to spread the word.
Visionary Interviews, I will be doing some upcoming interviews with some icons in the industry. If you happen to know of someone, I may want to interview, please let me know. Just provide some brief information, and if it works, we will reach out.
a Brand Strategy Firm for those looking to disrupt their industry, build a global digital platform, business execution leadership, or just need someone who understands your business's complexities and can provide solutions.

Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
VISION | How to Set Your Path & Stay on Course
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
The Visionary Chronicles
CHRONICLE: April 21st, 2022
Inspiration "The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision."
Wisdom from Hellen Keller
PODCAST: VISION | Set your Path & Stay on Course
Establishing a Vision for your Brand is difficult; sticking with the Vision is nearly impossible for most companies. There lies the difference between generational success and near-term failure. The inevitable fate of those who can consistently and continually execute their Vision is part of the rubble that makes up almost 95% of all start-ups. Failure…
As the Visionary behind your Brand, you must create a culture, an environment inside the four walls where the entire team feels they are contributing to the success of the Vision, a unified Vision of the longer-term future for your Brand.
This is difficult enough, and most leaders fail to execute the plan and see the Vision come to Life over the years. For example, a McKinsey study in 2018 found that only 16% of companies were committed to digital transformation, a necessary piece of a strategic puzzle for both being efficient and effective and Market Driving Brand. So you must commit to the Vision across all levels of the Brand to sustain your success.
In looking at what Visionary leaders create on their path to successfully navigating the course to executing the brand Vision:
Connect the Dots; as Steve Jobs so famously followed, it is a matter of "connecting the dots" as you move along your path. These Leaders have a structured plan, usually driven annually, connected through near-term action plans, accountability, tools, and proper resource allocation.
Embrace Freedom to Fail; Encourage Ideas, allow for the freedom to express how others' lives can be enhanced with our products or services. Never downplay Ideas until you have evaluated their potential impact; you may not see the light before it is too late.
Provide Tools & Support, providing an environment for experimentation with great Ideas! The more you nurture this iterative process, generating innovations and disruptive strategies, the more tangible your Innovation Pipeline becomes.
Setting your Vision is more effortless than sticking with your Vision. So be sure to have a process, both tangible and non-tangible, where others know expectations and all feel part of the process.
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
LiquidMind Inc.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2022
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast
In my new Podcast, VISION | Set Your Path & Stay on Course, I discuss establishing a Vision for your company, and ensuring you stick with your commitment to being a leader through authentication and staying the course regardless of the headwinds.
We discuss this and other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs, Executives, and Small Business Owners.
Please check out "The Visionary Chronicles" on these sites.
Available on:
Apple Podcast
Google Play
If you like what you hear, I would appreciate you providing a rating and following to receive my weekly Podcasts, along with exclusive content as a follower.
Subscribe to The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST, and receive The Visionary Chronicles Weekly Newsletter, along with a FREE copy of my new book;
The Visionary Brand, The Success Formula Behind the World's Most Visionary Brands.
I am providing a FREE copy with the hope you will review Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, or any other international distributions sites the book is currently being distributed. It is always greatly appreciated to spread the word.
Visionary Interviews, I will be doing some upcoming interviews with some icons in the industry. If you happen to know of someone, I may want to interview, please let me know. Just provide some brief information, and if it works, we will reach out.
Brand Strategy Firm for those looking to disrupt their industry, build a global digital platform, business execution leadership, or just need someone who understands your business's complexities and can provide solutions.

Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Brand Growth | Finding Another Avenue for Growth
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
The Visionary Chronicles
CHRONICLE: April 14th , 2022
Inspiration " "Know your enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster."
Wisdom from Sun Tzu, The Art of War
PODCAST: BRAND GROWTH | Finding Another Avenue for Growth
Where do you find organic growth beyond your current core product lines or services?
In a recent survey of CEOs from large-cap brands, over 65% indicated that within 5 to 7 years, their industry competitors will be different than who they are now. Also, these new competitors will pose a significant market share threat to their core organic business.
A brand’s ability to find alternative sources of revenue will be vital to sustaining its long-term growth, finding another path to building a competitive edge within its core competency.
Over 40% of these brands’ ongoing revenue is projected to come from these new revenue streams, a vision set by the visionary leader who sees what is ahead and creates a path to realizing the future. The main engine for why these small start-ups can quickly become a threat is their ability to scale with little capital, nowhere near what was required in the past. Efficiency has become the new norm, and effective use of capital has become the new avenue to rapid revenue growth. Tools and technology will win for those who understand the opportunity and can quickly adapt to the ever-changing working environment.
Previously brands would incrementally grow revenue through the following means;
Geo expansion
Product line extension
Expanded customer demo
This is the traditional path to generational success. Still, this path has changed, and Brand will now need to find new avenues to maintain their category market share and continual, consistent growth. The growth will be executed by establishing another path and developing a new core business that can tangibly provide sustainable revenues and profitability. For instance, Apple's expansion beyond its core PC business, where they introduced the iPod, iPhone, and iPad, building an incomparable ecosystem. Once completed, moving into watches becomes the industry standard for the digital age.
To determine the viability and opportunity to build this new revenue path, I have found four key foundational elements that are needed to measure potential success:
Define a Market with a Large, Sustainable Profit opportunity, and ensure you find a market where the potential for revenue growth within the new path outstrips the base core business. This can be achieved through strategic, complementary acquisition.
Have a Sustainable Competitive Advantage. After defining the market, ensure you have an immediate competitive advantage over the incumbents, such as Amazon, with their AWS segment. The defined point of difference will be critical to providing value beyond the product to your customers.
Be an Entrepreneur. Big brands forget what it is like to be an Entrepreneur. They have been in the ivory towers too long, and they need to understand what it is like to be; agile and fearless yet frugal. Only those who have been in that seat understand.
Leverage current core capabilities, you are not starting from scratch, but you must be able to leverage existing assets and resources. This will provide much-needed velocity to the integration and implementation timeline.
Each of these by itself is never as good as all four working in unison. Therefore, to achieve sustainable growth, you must embrace the vision of finding a new, complementary path to success.
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
LiquidMind Inc.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2022
In my new Podcast, BRAND GROWTH | Finding Another Avenue for Growth, I discuss the strategy defining a brand’s challenge, and the opportunity to find alternate revenue streams beyond their core, organic business.
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a Brand Strategy Firm for those looking to disrupt their industry, build a global digital platform, business execution leadership, or just need someone who understands your business's complexities and can provide solutions.

The Visionary Chronicles
Bryan Smeltzers Podcast on driving your brand forward, reinvigorating your passion while maintaining and sustaining your Vision for long-term revenue growth.
Discussions around disruptive strategies and executable market drivers provide a unique point of difference for you and your brand.
We discuss this along with other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners.
He is the author of The Visionary Brand, a book on how brands sustain and maintain their Vision over generations.
Bryan is president of LiquidMind Inc., a global brand strategy firm in Southern California.
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