
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Goals | How to Set Goals and Realize Your Vision
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast
CHRONICLE: November 17th, 2022
"When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps..."
Life Wisdom from Confucius
Podcast: Goals | How to Set Goals and Achieve Your Vision
With the new year upon us and the past year presenting so many challenges, the ability to set and move ahead with your Goals is imperative. It sets the Future, a Vision that moves us beyond the past and allows us to achieve that which seems unattainable. But how do you effectively set and achieve your goals? Interestingly, I engage with companies and leaders looking for answers to increasing innovation, productivity, or efficiency, each seemingly distinct but separate Goals. There is nothing wrong with this thinking other than the intent should be to tie them all together to improve your brand and teams. However, the realization hits them when they consistently fail and do not embrace the risk required to succeed. These scenarios reflect the real world, where only 8% of those who set goals achieve them.
In my new Visionary Chronicles Podcast, Goals | How to Set Goals and Achieve your Vision, I address this question, providing insightful principles on setting goals properly and executing them through a step-by-step process.
When setting Goals, they must be challenging but attainable. Here are ten proven Principles for assuring Goals are stretched but attainable ;
Change your daily Habits or Routines to enhance productivity. Look at your daily/hourly routine, and disrupt it to find more time.
Be realistic with your Goals, but offer up a Stretch to achieving them. They must be attainable, but only through sweat and failure. Give everyone a sense of accomplishment.
Find support where needed after analyzing your daily Habits/Routine. You can not achieve success consistently without some help…find it.
Take Two Steps Forward and one Step back. The path to Success is not a straight line, step back and evaluate the way forward.
Share Success, Embrace Failure. Failure is your pathway to eventual Success.
Move out of the Status quo to realize your Vision. Break free from Habits, and change your routine to be more effective. Also, don't multi-task; your brain likes to complete one path before moving on to another.
Realize progress, find what works and what does not. Then, do more of what works and less of what does not. Simple but powerful!
Have Faith, know you are not alone—calming influence in turbulent times.
Times change, be ready to make your move. Covid should be a lesson learned when being prepared to Adapt.
Always be moving forward. When you take two steps forward, just do not take three back.
Within these principles, you will find roadblocks and barriers to achieving eventual Success. But just stick to your path no matter how rocky. The old cliché holds if it were easy, everyone would do it.
Set definitive goals, change your habits, find support along the way, and have Faith that all things will work together for good.
Stay True, Stay Authentic, be Different, and be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
LiquidMind Inc.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2022
Bryan Smeltzer is a successful consumer products business executive and entrepreneur. He has held executive-level roles in business development, product, and marketing with some of the world's most prestigious brands, including; Oakley, TaylorMade, Adidas, K-Swiss, and Schutt Sports, among other international brands. He also founded a men's apparel brand, successfully running a profitable business for ten years, eventually selling to a VC firm.
He also hosts a Podcast called The Visionary Chronicles. In addition, he recently finished his first bestselling book, The Visionary Brand, The Success Formula Behind the World's Most Visionary Brands. He recently received the prestigious Readers Favorite Award for BEST Non-fiction, Marketing Genre book.
He is a member of the Board of Advisors at UCI's BCIE along with their New Venture Program, an Innovation Advisor at the UCI's Applied Innovation program at the Cove, a Mentor/Advisor to UCLA's Price Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation, and the UCLA Media, Entertainment and Sports programs, and the San Diego Sports Innovators Accelerator (SDSI) center.
Bryan currently oversees LiquidMind Inc., a global brand strategy firm that partners with start-ups and established mid to large-cap consumer brands to empower businesses to think differently, be different, drive a passionate culture, and execute relentlessly.

Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
The Visionary Brand | The Success Formula Behind the World’s Most Visionary Brands
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
The Visionary Brand, The Success Formula Behind the World's Most Visionary Brands
“Exceptionally well written, organized, and presented, The Visionary Brand must be considered essential reading for all aspiring entrepreneurs and corporate executives seeking to expand their market share.
The Visionary Brand is unreservedly recommended for community, corporate, college, university library Business Management instructional reference collections, and for the personal reading lists of entrepreneurs, MBA students, and corporate executives."
James Cox, Editor-in-Chief, Midwest Book Review
The Visionary Brand, The Success Formula Behind the World's Most Visionary Brands
When I decided to write The Visionary Brand, The Success Formula Behind the World’s Most Visionary Brands, I was very fortunate to have been inside some of the world’s most creative, disruptive, and revolutionary brands.
These brands were each different, positioning themselves differently, engaging strategically, creating consistently, understanding why they exist, how they are unique, and building a culture that drives the passion for driving the brand forward. I found each fascinating and having been inside the walls of the executive suite seeing firsthand how these great brands operated was an experience few get to experience and witness. So, this experience, along with having a passion for reading and absorbing how other great brands were able to navigate the path to success for generations effectively, built a great base of knowledge both inside and outside these four walls. These insanely great companies and the leaders behind the curtain, the wizards pulling the brand along and successfully executing a Vision no one else could see or comprehend.
The experience was the inspiration, and this is where the Journey started. Having been with these brands and throughout my years, I found that there truly was no ONE Visionary brand, a company that had all the pieces in place. Some had most, but none had all to achieve this status. So as I prepared to write The Visionary Brand, I wanted it to be an outline of the pieces required to achieve Visionary level. Also, I intended to interpret the content quickly and apply it to your day-to-day and long-term strategy.
In having read hundreds of books, all either Bios of great leaders or disruptive brands, most were told from outside in perspective or academic standpoint. Neither of these is easily applied, nor are they beneficial unless you are a multi-billion brand with significant resources to execute their strategy. Therefore, I wanted to take an Entrepreneurial spin on building the structure of The Visionary Brand, which can be applied with limited resources, brands both big and small and measurement in results.
It has been a passion and longtime goal to write this book, many times wanting to hang up my pen and other times spilling out thoughts that seemed never-ending. Both extremes are why I feel The Visionary Brand is so tangible to leaders at all levels and industries.
You will find a clear, tangible path to understanding, achieving, and realizing the pieces of putting your Visionary brand puzzle together. I intended to make it clear, tangible, and fun to execute individually and as a team. Achieving Visionary status seems intangible to most, and it is meant to be by design. However, if you can acquire insight into building your path to generational success while putting these pieces in place, I will have served my purpose in writing The Visionary Brand!
Inside the cover of The Visionary Brand, you will step by step insight into what an authentic Visionary brand is, how this machine runs, what their point of difference is, and how these tangible and intangible points of difference allow them to crush their Competition.
It starts with my Journey to writing the book and then defines what a Brand truly is built from a foundational perspective.
The book then moves to Vision from the brand and how companies separate themselves through foresight and a product innovation pipeline. I discuss how this revolution is the difference that defines these Visionary brands and how imitators will never be leaders. The elements that set great brands apart and allow them to sustain their category leadership for generations. Disruption, being Different, and Case Studies around each.
From Vision, I move to marketplace positioning and omnichannel strategy. Ensuring you are consistent in all you do, being authentic, ensuring the bloodlines are true to the Vision—strategic competitiveness, Lifestyle marketing, and being the best at ALL times.
Power Triad/Culture
Product/Marketing & Sales, the Power Triad. How they drive the brand forward, and how each builds a Culture to be envied by all their competitors.
Product Vision/Ecosystem
Breakaway design, innovation pipeline, drawdown strategy, and commercialization. Each a piece of a strategic arsenal brands deploy every day. They were leading through extinction and building an Ecosystem that allows the brands to capture a community and make a Loyal following.
Marketing is The Fuel that keeps a brand moving forward, executing on the Vision and ensuring its positioning always is consistent and authentic. Personalization and Ambassador engagement are two unique platforms for brands to ensure they continue to build their community, the heart, and soul of DTC revenue. Finally, the UX, empathizing and understanding your customers.
These are areas rarely discussed, but I felt they were probably the most important to put in my book. Without Artists and Courage, you have neither the creativity to be different to the guts to take risks.
In summary, The Visionary Brand was written for those looking to understand what is significant, being Visionary, being different to sustain long-term success, and what they do to create brand Loyalty. Also, it was written from an inside out perspective, understanding is as much personal, as it is business acumen. Be a Leader, Be a Visionary, Be Compassionate, Be Great!
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
LiquidMind Inc.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2022
Subscribe to The Visionary Chronicles PODCAST, and receive The Visionary Chronicles Weekly Newsletter, along with a FREE copy of my new book;
THE VISIONARY BRAND, The Success Formula Behind the World’s Most Visionary Brands.
I am providing a FREE copy with the hope you will review Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, or any other international distributions sites the book is currently being distributed.
It is always greatly appreciated when you spread the word through REVIEWS!
Visionary Interviews, I will be doing some upcoming interviews with some icons in the industry. If you happen to know of someone, I may want to interview, please let me know. Just provide some brief information, and if it works, we will reach out.
a Brand Strategy Firm for those looking to disrupt their industry, build a global digital platform, business execution leadership, or just need someone who understands your business's complexities and can provide solutions.

Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Failure | Stepping Stone to Success
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast
CHRONICLE: October 26th, 2022
"My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure."
Wisdom from Abraham Lincoln
Failure | Stepping Stone to Success
Failure is not fatal, but if you do not embrace Failure and make it a part of your Culture, it can prevent you from realizing your Vision.
Many companies profess to be "Innovative" yet squash any new out-of-the-box thinking that disrupts the status quo of the company and your business category. Therefore, it is crucial to embrace your failures, learn from them, and adapt if you are to move your IDEAs from paper to people.
Commercializing your IDEA is the inevitable goal, but if the product you envisioned does not match reality, there will be issues with your community and the brand itself. If you are to be a leader, you must embrace Failure and Risk to create what others may not have thought of or felt was impossible. Otherwise, you are truly just a commodity. Having the courage to do what is right for the brand is what all Visionaries have in common. Beyond product, beyond Culture, is sticking to your Foundational Principles, which drive your brand forward.
The brands that continually drive innovation embrace Failure as a learning experience and will be the ones to survive any storm. Look at history, and you will see brands that have failed and those who are still with us today. A common thread, stronger than steel, is the will to create what others said was impossible. This challenge brings out the passionate courage in all Visionaries and the satisfaction of proving others wrong.
Remember Edison's famous quote when inventing the light bulb…
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work…."
Imagine if Edison had given up at so-called "Failure" on try 9,998? A different world than we live in today. Thankful for his Vision and perseverance not to give up!
What are these Stepping Stones to Success?
Take Risks; no great product has ever been realized without Risk.
Embrace Risks; different than taking a Risk, is embracing Risk as part of your Culture.
Fail Faster; assume Failure will happen and is necessary to create truly revolutionary products.
Succeed Sooner; by Embracing Risk, and Failure, you are on a path to Success.
Failure is inevitable when creating anything great! So embrace Failure and Risk and be rewarded with generational products and a culture committed to Success.
Stay True, Stay Authentic, be Different, and be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
LiquidMind Inc.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2022
Bryan Smeltzer is a successful consumer products business executive and entrepreneur. He has held executive-level roles in business development, product, and marketing with some of the world's most prestigious brands, including; Oakley, TaylorMade, Adidas, K-Swiss, Schutt Sports, among other international brands. He also founded a men’s apparel brand, successfully running a profitable business for ten years, eventually selling to a VC firm.
He also hosts a Podcast called The Visionary Chronicles, and recently finished his first bestselling book, The Visionary Brand, The Success Formula Behind the World’s Most Visionary Brands, and recently received the prestigious Readers Favorite Award for BEST Non-fiction, Marketing Genre book.
He is also a member of the Board of Advisors at UCI’s BCIE along with their New Venture Program, an Innovation Advisor at the UCI’s Applied Innovation program at the Cove, a Mentor/Advisor to UCLA’s Price Center Venture Accelerator Program, and a Mentor/Advisor at the San Diego Sports Innovators Accelerator (SDSI) center.
Bryan currently oversees LiquidMind Inc., a global brand strategy firm that partners with both start-ups and established, mid to large-cap consumer brands to empower their businesses to think different, be different, drive a passionate culture, and execute relentlessly.

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Transformational Forces | 4 Forces of Business Transformation
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast
CHRONICLE: October 14th, 2022
"First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination."
Napoleon Hill
Transformation Forces | 4 Forces of Business Transformation
If you were to look at most decisions made inside the four walls of a brand, you would find most do not address all the areas within and outside the organization. This transformative decision-making process takes on a whole new level of importance relative to the state of the brand, the economy's condition, and the state of your community.
These are incorporated into the decision-making to determine the best path forward and alternatives in case you need to pivot. These critical factors are determined inside and outside your brand, the speed of implementation, and the internal forces applied.
With these factors comes strategic planning questions such as, "Is this transformation something that needs to happen over time or immediate?" think pandemic, think recession, and "is this something needed internally or externally?" think processes, think logistics.
Each of these pieces of the puzzle is broad but has synergy with one another. The more you can pinpoint the forces requiring transformation, the better prepared you are for the future and your ability to pivot when necessary quickly.
The first question, slow or fast transformation, is relative to how easy it is to implement and where the transformation is happening. Quick transitions occur with processes, procedures, management, or forces that can quickly adapt. Slow changes happen when legacy systems or outside forces are integrated. These involve global brands with many tentacles in the marketplace. Usually, this type of transformation involves both an internal and an outer segment. These are more complicated but typically have the most significant impact. So what do these 4 Forces look like in businesses?
It is best explained in 4 differing levels, each independent but interdependent on the other.
First, the Speed;
Second the Location;
The four factors may seem simplistic, and that is by design. If this were too convoluted, nothing would get implemented, and your brand will not transform. When determining if something needs to change, ask yourself these questions;
What is the issue?
Is this immediate, or someone that can wait?
Is this impacting our internal team, external partners, or both?
How do you outline and address where to start?
Transformation is easy to identify but hard to implement. Everyone wants the Status Quo, but this only puts you further behind your competition. Keep change easy to ID and easy to implement. Your brand, your Team, and your Community will thank you!
Stay True, Stay Authentic, be Different, and be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
LiquidMind Inc.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2022
Bryan Smeltzer is a successful consumer products business executive and entrepreneur. He has held executive-level roles in business development, product, and marketing with some of the world's most prestigious brands, including; Oakley, TaylorMade, Adidas, K-Swiss, Schutt Sports, among other international brands. He also founded a men’s apparel brand, successfully running a profitable business for ten years, eventually selling to a VC firm.
He also hosts a Podcast called The Visionary Chronicles, and recently finished his first bestselling book, The Visionary Brand, The Success Formula Behind the World’s Most Visionary Brands, and recently received the prestigious Readers Favorite Award for BEST Non-fiction, Marketing Genre book.
He is also a member of the Board of Advisors at UCI’s BCIE along with their New Venture Program, an Innovation Advisor at the UCI’s Applied Innovation program at the Cove, a Mentor/Advisor to UCLA’s Price Center Venture Accelerator Program, and a Mentor/Advisor at the San Diego Sports Innovators Accelerator (SDSI) center.
Bryan currently oversees LiquidMind Inc., a global brand strategy firm that partners with both start-ups and established, mid to large-cap consumer brands to empower their businesses to think different, be different, drive a passionate culture, and execute relentlessly.

Monday Oct 03, 2022
Courageous Leadership | Having the Courage to Achieve Success
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast
CHRONICLE: October 3rd, 2022
“Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.”
Martin Luther King Jr.
Courageous Leadership | Having the Courage to achieve Success
With the Visionary Chronicles Podcast, I intend to take what I have learned over my years as a business leader, both as an owner and executive, with global brands and share meaningful, diverse topics.
A significant part of leadership is crucial as you face barriers: the ability to have the faith and courage to make a decision and “the right one” at the right time.
When I mention “the right one,” companies will often ask what I am referring to when is ask this question. I find that it is easy to make “a decision,” but not always easy to find and make the “right decision .”A decision that is consistent with the brand's foundational values and the company's culture. Taking the time to make the right decision takes both faith and courage, especially when the barrier seems impossible, but doing so will build integrity in your culture. It is a commitment to ensuring that decisions are well thought out from all angles, both financially and culturally. Also, having a transparent process with each angle viewed assures you keep an authentic, passionate culture and your foundational values intact without sacrificing long-term opportunities.
We now live in a society where inclusiveness, cultural authentication, and a passion for your brand values are vital pieces to success. Those who believe in the vision set by the brand and see a commitment to it daily are more productive and satisfied in their work.
Faith can take on many meanings, but most feel it is believing without yet seeing, a complete trust in someone to see you through. A Vision set by a leader through a path not yet seen, a product not yet built, a service not yet provided, or making a disruptive brand through a leadership committed to ongoing innovation, integrity, or the building of a culture that bonds every team member together, a passionate belonging to a long-term vision. The type of Vision set by Patagonia leader Yvon Chouinard. Some may agree or choose to disagree, but the passion within a leader's heart will drive them to success.
Not every brand will want to follow Yvon’s path, but I can guarantee they admire his Vision for doing his part in providing for the other's future. His passion is an example of many who had the faith and courage to BE DIFFERENT! Those who are different, the “square pegs in the round holes,” dare to think differently when everything is the same. So be Different, and have the courage to know that you can conquer all barriers set before you through a solid foundational faith.
When I discuss this concept with Visionary leaders, and the need to think beyond product or service and ensure your culture is authentic, they realize it is a crucial piece of their future. When setting your Vision or analyzing your already established vision, you may need to rethink your version of success. You will need to adapt to our new world, just as those working for your brand have adopted. Still, you must also understand the updated thought process to decision making, knowing who is watching and understanding their expectations to be authentic to your foundation.
How do you incorporate this Courageous Leadership into your Brand’s Foundation?
Build a Culture of Trust; until your team trusts what you say, through action, it is just words.
Ensure each Voice is heard; most understand that not all ideas are great, but give them a chance to express their thoughts.
Establish a Vision; being able to express where you have been is easy; being able to envision where you are going is Visionary.
Empower your Team; Empower your team to be proactive, providing solutions to potential problems that are not yet issues. Most brands are reactive, be proactive.
Be Authentic; be authentic around the Vision you have set, both internally and externally. Everyone is watching, be TRUE to your Vision and DO NOT compromise.
The barriers you face as a leader will always come, but you can conquer each without fear—your brand, teams, and community count on you to remain calm in the face of adversity.
In my new book, an AMAZON Bestseller, The Visionary Brand, The Success Formula Behind the World’s Most Visionary Brands, I discuss these Visionary Brands and some of the Leaders who successfully navigated their brands to generational success.
Leadership does not always mean the most intelligent voice in the room; more often than not, it is someone courageous with the faith to know all things work together successfully. If you are logical, compassionate, direct, and have the ability to see the future when others can not.
Stay True, Stay Authentic, be Different, and be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
LiquidMind Inc.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2022

Friday Sep 23, 2022
Team Leadership| 5 Things High Performance Teams do Consistently
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast
CHRONICLE: September 20th, 2022
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
Martin Luther King Jr.
PODCAST: Team Leadership | 5 Things High Performing Teams do Consistently
Hiring, building, and nurturing high-performance teams has long been a holy grail for brands. Each team has unique needs, personalities, and individual triggers that drive a passion in each team member. So how does a brand build a competent team and one who gets along with one another and consistently produces superior results…consistently, not just one-hit wonders?
First, when looking at building a high-performance team, understand there are primary needs of each team and individuals;
Autonomy; the ability to perform without hindrance.
Competence; having the skill set to perform.
Relatedness; being able to interact with other team members.
Then there are the three levels of support and building effectiveness in the team;
Dependance; INDIVIDUAL, the baby, the newbie, is learning from others. Crucial to have a process for onboarding.
Interdependence; TEAM, working with a group and being part of a team, finding a solution together.
Independence; LEADER, Leadership level, finding ways to make others successful. Be humble and grateful, and do not take credit for others' successes.
So what are the 5 Things that High Performing Teams do Consistently?
They are Real with each other; they express personal and professional emotions and share with the team, building a more intimate bond.
They Share Praise; they are more likely to share praise with others vs. trying to take credit for themselves. Again, it's all about the team and no friction.
They Bond; they spend more time together on non-work-related items and discussions. So it's not all about work!
They are Strategic, not only with their work but, more importantly, with their time. They are finding ways to get more done in a shorter period of time. They are working together through Interdependence and Independence.
They Communicate Directly; they are more likely to communicate through Voice vs. Text or e-mails. Be honest, be Live.
Building, managing, and growing successful teams for your brand takes a commitment to process and action. The approach to getting team members up to speed and the effort to assure they are satisfied with what it takes to be a part of a successful team and brand!
Stay True, Stay Authentic, be Different, and be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
LiquidMind Inc.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2022
This is content from my new book, The Visionary Brand, The Success Formula Behind the World's Most Visionary Brands.
I am proud to announce that The Visionary Brand received a Readers Favorite Award for BEST MARKETING Book, and is an Amazon Bestseller!
AMAZON: The Visionary Brand Book

Monday Aug 22, 2022
Pillars of Great Leadership | Principles to Follow
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Monday Aug 22, 2022
The Pillars of Great Leadership
What makes for a Great Leader? Not just one who inspires confidence or provides direction, but someone who has the innate sense to see the future, envision a path to success, and inspire those who do not yet see this path to take the Journey with them.
These leaders inspire a team, a company and a brand. They create a community outside the four walls, building loyalty and inspiring everyone to reach a common goal with the confidence that they will succeed. With each of these qualities, it is easy to see why there are so few “true” leaders. There are a lot of delusional executives who feel they are leaders, but it is merely a “chain of commitment” from the team, not necessarily that they believe in their vision.
For someone to be in this elite class of truly Visionary Leaders, they must embrace the unknown, stay calm amid the storms, show compassion, learn from past failures, build loyalty, and provide a Vision for others to follow passionately. I say passionately as this is a key element to successfully executing the leader's Vision through others. No great leader has ever succeeded by themselves, it takes an Army to take a leadership position in your market, and the more your leader has these Pillars, the more likely a brand is to succeed long-term. Success is not a “one-hit” wonder, it is a sustained level of success over generations.
In my new book, an AMAZON Bestseller, The Visionary Brand, The Success Formula Behind the World’s Most Visionary Brands, I discuss these Visionary Brands and some of the Leaders who successfully navigated their brands to generational success.
The following are Pillars of a Truly Great, Visionary Leaders
Embrace Change; no leader can avoid change, but those who do will ultimately fail and lose their sense of direction.
Embrace Failure; all great brands have failed to succeed, but you must be committed to fail and Learn from these Failures.
Show Compassion; understand the balance between success and failure… of your TEAM, not your product. Drive hard, Praise harder.
Build Loyalty; be able to build Loyalty to your brand, both inside and outside of four walls. Without Loyalty, the inherent value of your brand becomes either Equity or a Commodity, your choice.
Have a Vision; being able to see vs having a Vision are two completely different attributes. Unless you can see the future, you will only be to visualize what is in front of you.
Execute the Vision; having built a Loyal team, ensure they are executing the Vision, and provide ALL the Praise to the Team, not your Vision. They understand is your Vision, no need to remind them.
Overcome Adversity; being able to have a plan when circumstances abruptly change is a key Pillar for a Visionary Leader. Take Covid, who knew the world would stop spinning, what is your Plan?
Show Humility & Appreciation; in insecure Leader in NOT a Leader, they are not humble, they devalue contributions to the Vision, they do not share in successes, and do not embrace failure. Enough said..!
Great Leadership does not always mean the smartest voice in the room, more often than not, it is someone who is cognitive, logical, compassionate, direct and has the ability to see the future when others can not.
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
LiquidMind Inc.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2022

Thursday Aug 18, 2022
IDEA Engine | How to Maximize Creativity Flow
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
The Visionary Chronicles Podcast
CHRONICLE: August 15th, 2022
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones..."
Wisdom from John Cage
IDEA ENGINE | How to Maximize Creativity Flow
In a 2018 LinkedIn Survey, Creativity was the number sought-after soft skillset.
Creativity is a Cornerstone for an Innovative Thinker and a Progressive Brand. The ability to consistently think of great IDEAS, understand the impact at a brand level, and ensure they are commercialized is a trait few possess and are willing to explore.
Exploration is a crucial piece of Creativity; having the guts to do what others say is "Impossible" and pursue a Dream and bring it to Reality for others to see. This Exploration brings excitement and passion to a brand. The willingness to FAIL and FAIL again for the pursuit of reaching the pinnacle of success. Those who are willing to take this challenge, not just once, but make it part of their DNA, their core Identity will succeed, not only in their markets but with their teams and community as well!
With Exploration comes an Artistry around successfully realizing your great IDEA. The creative mastery around molding the IDEA to match your Identity.
The Artist is the one who knows what the painting looks like before a brush is put to canvas. So be an Artist, understand the beauty behind the product, making your communities life more accessible and non-burdensome. The Simple Sophistication of a great product and the Artistry to deliver on your Brand Promise.
To Maximize IDEA flow, you must first be committed to Exploring, embracing Failure, and being an Artist, and all are collectively generating insanely GREAT IDEAS.
What are the areas required to Promote Creativity?
Free Flowing Ideas and Pace; The quicker a decision is made, the better the company. However, having a Brand committed to providing an environment to Create, and generate IDEAS, is one that will never run short on Innovation.
Free your Mind; let the process take its Pace, provide boundaries and ensure these IDEAS are processed, commercialized, or blown up to make it great!
Be a Cognitive Thinker vs. a Logical Mindset; Take your time when flushing our IDEAS, understand the implication to the brand and your community. Then, find solutions through Great IDEAS.
Leave the Door Open; Allow IDEAS to enter the Creativity process, do not be quick to judge, and ensure Cognitive Thinkers are at the table, the Creative doers.
Only the Smart Illusion; Creativity is Cognitive, and why the Logic may not always be the best trait in building an Innovative Culture. Intelligence is often misplaced, put in the correct location it can be very productive, placed in the wrong location is disastrous. Having the ability to think of what "could be" vs. "what is" is the DIFFERENCE!
Implement Balance; When Steve Jobs took over at PIXAR, he implemented the "pluses" policy, meaning every negative needed to be balanced with a plus. This simple policy broke down gridlock at PIXAR and was integral to creating their first blockbuster, Toy Story.
More is Less; Brands feel the Ideation process is better served with more people providing more Ideas…the opposite is true; the best Ideation process, where it provides the best IDEAS, is one where the mindset is common Logic is left at the Door. Cognitive THINKERS ONLY!
Many leaders agree that Innovation and Creativity are the most sought-after traits, but most do nothing to promote creating a Culture where Cognitive Thinkers can thrive!
Stay True, stay Authentic, be Different, be Great!
Enjoy the Journey!
Bryan Smeltzer, President
LiquidMind Inc.
© All rights reserved, Bryan Smeltzer, 2022

The Visionary Chronicles
Bryan Smeltzers Podcast on driving your brand forward, reinvigorating your passion while maintaining and sustaining your Vision for long-term revenue growth.
Discussions around disruptive strategies and executable market drivers provide a unique point of difference for you and your brand.
We discuss this along with other business strategy topics and pressing issues facing Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners.
He is the author of The Visionary Brand, a book on how brands sustain and maintain their Vision over generations.
Bryan is president of LiquidMind Inc., a global brand strategy firm in Southern California.
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